Home / Characters / Clemont's Chespin/シトロンのハリマロン/Citron's Harimaron
Character Names
  • English / United States: Clemont's Chespin
  • Japanese / Japan: シトロンのハリマロン
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: Citron no Harimaron
  • Japanese (TL) / Japan: Citron's Harimaron
Voice Actors
Clemont's Chespin was initially one of the three Pokémon a Trainer receives from Professor Sycamore when they start out on their journey. It took the basket of macarons that Serena had baked the night before and began stuffing itself and didn't want to share them. Sophie noted that Harimaron loves pranks.

Team Rocket captured Professor Sycamore, Serena and Bonnie but Harimaron was able to follow a macaron crumb trail to their hideout. It was initially more concerned about getting the macarons back but it finally realized that Team Rocket was also a threat, so it helped out and manged to stop the Mega Mega Nyarth mecha.

During its time with Clemont in the crisis situation, the two began to bond and just as Clemont was leaving Professor Sycamore lab, it indicated that it wanted to travel with Clemont. Professor Sycamore gave Clemont Harimaron's monster ball and he got it.
Known Moveset
Tackle Type
First Seen: XY 10
It didn't have enough power to damage the Mega Mega Nyarth Mecha but it combined its power with Pikachu
Pin Missile Type
First Seen: XY 10
Attack Mega Mega Nyarth Mecha
Vine Whip Type
First Seen: XY 11
Picked bamboo leaves
Series Title
XYZ 11
XYZ 14
XYZ 15
XYZ 16
XYZ 19
XYZ 20
XYZ 21
XYZ 24
XYZ 31
XYZ 34
XYZ 35
XYZ 36
XYZ 40
XYZ 41
XYZ 42
XYZ 43
XYZ 44
XYZ 45
XYZ 46
XYZ 47
PM2019 103
PM2019 104