Home / Dex / Abilities / Huge Power
Ability Details

Huge Power Introduced in Generation 3


Language Name Used
Hong Kong Chinese (Cantonese Hong Kong) 大力士
Taiwan Chinese (Mandarin Taiwan) 大力士
United States English Huge Power
France French Coloforce
Germany German Kraftkoloss
Italy Italian Macroforza
Japan Japanese ちからもち
South Korea Korean 천하장사
Spain Spanish Potencia


Species Thumbnail Marill marill
Species Thumbnail Azumarill azumarill
Species Thumbnail Azurill azurill
Species Thumbnail Bunnelby bunnelby
Species Thumbnail Diggersby diggersby
Species Thumbnail Mawile Mega Mawile

Flavor Text

Version Flavor
United States RS Raises ATTACK.
United States E Raises ATTACK.
United States FRLG Raises ATTACK.
United States DP Raises the Pokémon’s Attack stat.
United States Pt Raises the Pokémon’s Attack stat.
United States HGSS Raises the Pokémon’s Attack stat.
United States BW Raises the Pokémon’s Attack stat.
France BW Augmente l’Attaque du Pokémon.
United States B2W2 Raises the Pokémon’s Attack stat.
United States XY Boosts the Pokémon’s Attack stat.
Japan XY ぶつり こうげきの いりょくが あがる。
Germany XY Stärkt physische Attacken.
France XY Augmente l’Attaque du Pokémon.
Spain XY Aumenta el Ataque.
Italy XY Migliora la statistica Attacco del Pokémon.
South Korea XY 물리공격의 위력이 올라간다.
XY 物理攻撃の 威力が あがる。
United States ORAS Boosts the Pokémon’s Attack stat.
Japan ORAS ぶつり こうげきの いりょくが あがる。
Germany ORAS Stärkt physische Attacken.
France ORAS Augmente l’Attaque du Pokémon.
Spain ORAS Aumenta el Ataque.
Italy ORAS Migliora la statistica Attacco del Pokémon.
South Korea ORAS 물리공격의 위력이 올라간다.
ORAS 物理攻撃の 威力が あがる。
United States SM Doubles the Pokémon’s Attack stat.
Japan SM ぶつり こうげきの いりょくが 2ばいに なる。
Germany SM Verdoppelt die Stärke von physischen Attacken.
France SM Double l’Attaque du Pokémon.
Spain SM Duplica la potencia de los ataques físicos.
Italy SM L’Attacco del Pokémon raddoppia.
Taiwan SM 物理攻击的威力会变为2倍。
South Korea SM 물리공격의 위력이 2배가 된다.
Hong Kong SM 物理攻擊的威力會變為2倍。
SM 物理攻撃の 威力が 2倍になる。