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Media Information

ポケモンのうた DVD

  • Pokémon no uta DVD
  • Pokémon Songs DVD
Main Image


Audio Tracks:   Japanese
Publisher:  The Pokémon Company
Catalog #:  A-180514
Release Date:  2018-11-23
Aspect Ratio:  16:9
Region Code:  
Video Format:  NTSC
Storage Medium:  DVD5
Closed Captions?:  No
Rental Only?:  No


Pokémon Songs DVD contains 12 Pokémon songs and was distributed at kindergartens and nursery schools as a present to say "Thank you for your support" of the Pokemon Company.

The DVD contains the following tracks that originally debuted on the official Pokémon Japan Youtube channel in High Definition:

1. Eievui Painting Song (イーブイえかきうた)
2. Eievui March (イーブイマーチ)
3. Pikachu's Song (ピカチュウのうた)
4. Koiking's Song (コイキングのうた)「I LOVE コイキング」
5. Metamon's Song (メタモンのうた)「モンモンメタモン」
6. Yadon's Song (ヤドンのうた)「どないやねん ヤドン」
7. Gangar's Song (ゲンガーのうた)「よなよなゲンガー」
8. Menokurage's Song (メノクラゲのうた)「ゆらゆらメノクラゲ」
9. Hitodeman's Song (ヒトデマンのうた)「ぼくらのヒトデマン」
10. Eievui Painting Song YouTuber Version (イーブイえかきうた YouTuber バージョン)
11. Pokémon Card Game Rules Song (ポケモンカードゲーム ルールソング)
12. Ultra Legend! Pokémon Ga-Olé! (ウルトラレジェンド!ポケモンガオーレ!)
