The announcer introduced the show by saying: "Boy and girls it's getting chilly out there but we'll make you hot! Right here on Pokémon Smash!" As the show started, the PokéSma crew were trying to predict what the super hero A-Gilder's (ア☆ギルダー) transformation pose will be like as Golgo walked in, and he asked them to demonstrate their guesses. Baba demonstrated his guess by putting his thumbs in his nose and pulling his eyelids. Akiyama then did a pose where he just spun around. Shoko-tan then did a pose that just kept on going on forever.

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Yamamoto introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library, as well as this week's theme, "The bond between parent and child is wonderful" (親子の絆はすばらしい!). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was
A Mysterious Superhero! Enter Gliger-man!! (なぞのスーパーヒーロー! グライガーマンとうじょう!!) from the
original series.
A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.
After the Pokémon Library episode, Akiyama and the crew wondered where Yamamoto was. Suddenly they heard him yell at them and he strode in. Yamamoto was dressed like Charles (チャールズ) from Hodomoe City (ホドモエシティ) and introduced himself as Charles Yamamoto from Hodomoe City (ホドモエシティのチャールズ山本). Baba and Akiyama then questioned Charles Yamamoto about whether he wasn't Hiroshi, trying to make hm recognize his mother Tokiko from Akiyama's old drawing. Charles Yamamoto told the crew he had come to bring them some news - they would get to meet the hero of Hodomoe City. Misaki deduced he was talking about the Swift Hero A-Gilder, and Golgo sent Baba and Akiyama off with Charles Yamamoto to meet the hero.

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Akiyama and Baba start by asking Charles Yamamoto to tell them a bit about the hero they would be meeting, and Charles started giving them some quick notes.
- Facts on the Mysterious Hero #1 (謎のヒーローメモ①): His name is the Swift Hero Ya-Gilder (快傑ヤ☆ギルダー)
Akiyama pointed out that the hero in the anime was named A-Gilder, and asked if this Ya-Gilder was a fake, but Charles assured him Ya-Gilder was just another, but perfectly genuine, hero from Hodomoe, and continued his list.
- Facts on Swift Hero Ya-Gilder #2 (快傑ヤ☆ギルダーメモ②): He rides a cool bike! (かっこいいバイクを操る!)
- Facts on Swift Hero Ya-Gilder #3 (快傑ヤ☆ギルダーメモ③): He performs flashy action stunts!(アクションがド派手!)
- Facts on Swift Hero Ya-Gilder #4 (快傑ヤ☆ギルダーメモ④): He has a heart burning with justice (熱い正義の心を持つ)
Just after they went through point four, a girl ran in front of them chasing a thief who had stolen her bag. The Swift Hero Ya-Gilder appeared on the wall and introduced himself, as corresponding clips from
Best Wishes 59 episode - Swift Hero A-Gilder VS Mr. Freege!! (快傑ア☆ギルダー VS フリージ男!!) were shown.
Ya-Gilder jumped down in front of Baba and Akiyama and got on his bike, which turned out to be a normal bicycle rather than a motorcycle. But just like in the Best Wishes episode, there is a problem with the bike - it's locked, and he doesn't have the keys - and he cannot chase after the thief.
Agilder (アギルダー) is sent out to take down the thief by using
Agility (こうそくいどう). Agilder knocks out the thief and the girl is able to recover her things.
Akiyama still thinks Ya-Gilder is a fake, so together with Baba, he decides to test him on the facts Charles Yamamoto mentioned earlier. First, they want to see if he can ride his bike in a cool manner (バイクをかっこよく乗れる). They setup a test where a 10 meter long, thin railing was placed on the ground and Ya-Gilder had to ride his bike on the small railing for the whole length to prove his beautiful bike-handling technique.
Ya-Gilder's first attempt failed and he couldn't stay on the railing. The second attempt also ended up being a failure and he wasn't able to get past the ramp, though he said Kurumiru, Fushide and Dangoro were in the way, and he had to swerve to avoid hitting them. Neither Akiyama nor Baba could see any Pokémon, but Ya-Gilder refused to continue the test, not wanting to risk injuring any Pokémon.
Next, Akiyama said that since Ya-Gilder's heart was burning with justice, he should be able to sit in a kiddie pool of 0 degree celcius water while eating shave ice without getting cold. As he sat there, Akiyama put ice under his mask, forcing him to peel it off and reveal himself as Charles Yamamoto... an identity he denied, insisting that he was A-Gi...
Going along with Charles' Ya-Gilder facts, they want to see if he can 'Defeat his enemy with stylish actions' (華麗なアクションで敵を倒す). Akiyama asks Ya-Glider if he has an action move and he replies that his famous move is called 'Home Ground' (ホームグラウンド). Suddenly, just like in the Best Wishes episode, two members of the Vanipeti Gang (バニプッチ団) show up and a clip of the two henchmen from the anime is shown. The live action Vanipeti Gang henchmen capture the Agilder and hide behind a large wall. Akiyama tells Ya-Gilder he should use his signature move to jump over the wall and rescue Agilder. Unfortunately the move doesn't go well and he crashes through the wall, but the henchmen end up getting knocked out by the falling blocks. Ya-Gilder explains that this was his intent all along. An anime clip of A-Glider and Agilder using their signature move, the Agilder Kick, a tucked flip in the air followed by a kick to the face, was then shown. Having rescued Agilder, Ya-Gilder then took off on his bike.
Akiyama and Baba return to the Smash headquarters, explaining that they met with the clumsy hero Ya-Gilder rather than the A-Gilder they had expected. The announcer then reminds viewers to watch the real A-Gilder in
Best Wishes 59 episode - Swift Hero A-Gilder VS Mr. Freege!! (快傑ア☆ギルダー VS フリージ男!!), which airs December 1st, 2011.
Fighting Type Misaki's Elite Four battle was fought against 9 year old Tasuku Nozawa (野澤輔). Misaki was the first Smash Elite Four member to be defeated as Tasuku still had two of his Pokémon by the end of the battle.
In the Marketing Department section, Shoko-tan informed viewers of the nationwide vote to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Pocket Monsters Red and Green in Japan. Players can vote for their #1 Pokémon and the winner will then be distributed to players of Japanese versions of Pokémon Black and White.
The vote will take place between
November 12, 2011 and December 25, 2011 at participating Ito-Yokado, Aeon Toys R Us, Apita, Piago, Arupuraza, Heiwado Co., Ltd., Daiei, Fuji, Pokémon Center locations. A detailed list of participating stores will be posted on the official Pokémon site in early November. The winning Pokémon will then be distributed from
February 10, 2012 until February 27, 2012.
The Pokémon people can vote for are the cover Pokémon for the previous games:
- Pocket Monsters Red 『ポケットモンスター 赤』 - Lizardon (リザードン)
- Pocket Monsters Green 『ポケットモンスター 緑』 - Fushigibana (フシギバナ)
- Pocket Monsters Blue 『ポケットモンスター 青』 - Kamex (カメックス)
- Pocket Monsters Pikachu 『ポケットモンスター ピカチュウ』 - Pikachu (ピカチュウ)
- Pocket Monsters Gold 『ポケットモンスター 金』 - Houou (ホウオウ)
- Pocket Monsters Silver 『ポケットモンスター 銀』 - Lugia (ルギア)
- Pocket Monsters Crystal 『ポケットモンスター クリスタルバージョン』 - Suikun (スイクン)
- Pocket Monsters Ruby 『ポケットモンスター ルビー』 - Groudon (グラードン)
- Pocket Monsters Sapphire 『ポケットモンスター サファイア』 - Kyogre (カイオーガ)
- Pocket Monsters Emerald 『ポケットモンスター エメラルド』 - Rayquaza (レックウザ)
- Pocket Monsters Diamond 『ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド』 - Dialga (ディアルガ)
- Pocket Monsters Pearl 『ポケットモンスター パール』 - Palkia (パルキア)
- Pocket Monsters Platinum 『ポケットモンスター プラチナ』 - Giratina (ギラティナ)
- Pocket Monsters Black 『ポケットモンスターブラック』 - Reshiram (レシラム)
- Pocket Monsters White 『ポケットモンスターホワイト』 - Zekrom (ゼクロム)