Title: Re: PokéDoko 96:リコ&ニャオハがポケどこに登場 / みんなでキュートなお耳を付けてニャオハみたいにひっか...
Liko and Nyahoja, stars of the Pokémon anime, are visiting Pokédoko! Everybody puts on cute ears and attempts to scratch and use Leafage like Nyahoja does?! We also get a Nyahoja skit from Partychan
Pokémon Hide and Seek:
Look for Nyahoja among the Pokémon you see on the screen!
You viewers give it a try as well!
Ryogo Matsumaru
Hikaru Takahashi
Shuhei Nakano from Kaerutei (voice of Koccar)
Guests: Hinatazaka46 (Haruyo Yamaguchi, Honoka Hirao and Sumire Miyachi), Partychan, Nyahoja and Liko