Title: Re: SL 61: ハナダジム!すいちゅうのたたかい!/The Misty Mermaid/Hanada Gym! S...
Characters in Episode: Ash, Misty, Brock, Ash's Pikachu, Misty's Togepi, Misty's Horsea, Lily, Daisy, Violet, Meowth, Jessie, James, Misty's Starmie, Jessie's Arbok, James' Weezing, Misty's Psuduck, Ash's Squirtle
Pokemon in Episode: Cerulean Gym's Seel, Cerulean Gym's Goldeen, Cerulean Gym's Seaking, Cerulean Gym's Shellder
Characters Pokemon Attacks used in Episode:
- Misty's Horsea: Bubble Attack, Smoke Screen
- Jessie's Arbok: Wrap Attack, Poison Sting Attack
- Cerulean Gym's Seeking: Horn Drill
- Ash's Squirtle: Tackle
- Cerulean Gym's Seel: Headbutt, Aurora Beam
- Cerulean Gym's Dewgong: Ice Beam
Non-commanded attacks:
- Cerulean Gym's Seeking: Tackle
- Misty's Starmie: Spinning Tackle
- Ash's Pikachu: Thunderbolt
Episode location: Viridian City/Cerulean City
Episode Highlights:
- Gang is back in Cerulean City
- Sisters tricked Misty into Underwater Ballet
- Underwater Ballet's taken place
- Team Rocket's trying to steal the show
- Cerulean Gym's Seel battles Team Rocket and evolves into Dewgong
- Misty leaves Horsea and Starmie in Cerulean Gym
Who's that Pokemon? Clefairy/[TBA]
Number of Times Team Rocket Blasted off in the episode: 1
Team Rocket Balloon Enhancements: none
Did Team Rocket use a Mecha in the episode?: no