Title: Re: SL 63: トキワジム!さいごのバッジ!/The Battle of the Badge/Tokiwa Gym...
Characters in Episode: Ash, Misty, Brock, Ash's Pikachu, Misty's Togepi, Gary, Gary's Cheerleaders, Jessie, James, Meowth, Gary's Nidoking, Gary's Arcanine, Giovanni's Persian, Ash's Squirtle, Ash's Bulbasaur, Ash's Pidgeotto, Jessie's Arbok, James' Weezing,
Pokemon in Episode: Wild Fearow, Viridian Gym's Golem, Viridian Gym's Kingler, Viridian Gym's Mewtwo, Viridian Gym's Cloysters, Viridian Gym's Machamp, Viridian Gym's Rhydon
Characters Pokemon Attacks used in Episode:
- Viridian Gym's Golem: Tackle
- Gary's Nidoking: Tackle
- Viridian Gym's Kingler: Crabhammer, Harden, Bubble,
- Gary's Arcanine: Take Down, Fire Spin, Fire Blast
- Viridian Gym's Machamp: Karate Chop
- Ash's Bulbasaur: Vine Whip
- Ash' Pidgeotto: Quick Attack, Double-Edge
Non-commanded attacks:
- Viridian Gym's Mewtwo: Psychic
- Ash's Pikachu: Thunderbolt
Episode location: Viridian City
Episode Highlights:
- Ash and friends meet Gary
- Gary challanges Viridian City Gym's Leader
- Togepi runs away from gang
- Gary looses his Gym Battle
- Jessie, James and Meowth are placed as temporary Gym Leaders
- Ash challanges Team Rocket for the Badge
- Ash wins his eighth Badge
- Gang is heading back to Pallet Town to gather info about Pokemon League
Who's that Pokemon? Mr. Mime/[TBA]
Number of Times Team Rocket Blasted off in the episode: 1
Team Rocket Balloon Enhancements: none
Did Team Rocket use a Mecha in the episode?: no
Eyecatch info:
- Ash's journey was one year long
- Gary's cheerleaders are out of car while cheering Gary, but they're back on seats a second after
- Gary shows his 10 Badges (where, till then, only 7 Gyms appeard in earlier episodes)
- First apperance of Mewtwo (armored)
- Gary admits that Ash's good trainer