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11 Sep 2008 03:00 AM
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New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: Playing the Leveling Field/Odoru Gym Leader! Melissa tōjō!!/踊るジムリーダー!メリッサ登場!!. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
12 Sep 2008 03:53 AM
Sunain Administrator
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This weeks episode had a lot of English which made it quite easy to understand what was going on compared to a standard episode of the series. Either Melissa is VERY tall or the rest of the cast is really short as there were many instances in the episode that showed the significant height difference between all the characters. It's good to see that they are making Melissa a formidable Gym Leader, and not some push over like Maylene started off being. So does this battle count as a Gym Leader that Satoshi lost to?

I also found the colours used in this episodes animation were quite vibrant compared to other episodes. Perhaps it was just the contrast against Melissa's dark dress that made everything look more pronounced. The second half of the episode had a bunch of music that hasn't been used in DP up to this point.

It will be interesting to see how Satoshi is able to recover after this loss to Melissa. How many more Gym Leaders will Satoshi loose to in this series...
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12 Sep 2008 06:51 PM
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He will lose more definitely:*,Fantina was Posh :D I know finnaly they are making Melissa a Formidarble Gym leader,But showing her losing to that kid was a bit odd,But now she improve Looking foward to a rematch for Satoshi,Satoshi was a bit Over confident I think this battle too hyper up,sometimes i wish he was calm and cool and win one battle with out struggling
14 Sep 2008 05:35 AM
_melee_ Administrator
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She always seemed very tall to me, even in the games.

She also always looked like a man in a dress to me. I don't know why. Something about her face. Or maybe I was just so scarred by Tucker that I've started expecting things like that.
18 Sep 2008 12:04 AM
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Due to her name, height, accent, definately think Melissa was intended to be American (a la Surge), and in the dub they made her foreign to us by being French...and using a Tim Allen quote.

Hopefully PUSA can hire Tim to perform a french accent for her, and we're all set in terms of game representation.
13 Apr 2010 04:54 PM
michan Administrator
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Episode title in Swedish was added yesterday. Source: TV4 Anytime
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