Home / Forums / Live Action Series / Pokémon Sunday / PS 205: Diamond & Pearl Returns 「Pikachu o Sagase!...
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21 Sep 2008 12:03 AM
Sunain Administrator
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Though some of the clips were a rehash from earlier shows, it was still good to see extended clips from the highlights of those episodes. I especially found the upside down space scene quite funny when they attempted to do certain things like eat ramen noodles upside down.

Red and Golgo 'crashed' Platinum party where it seems Jun'ichi Masuda was about to explain some of the highlights from the new game.

It's interesting that they have gone back to Diamond and Pearl repeats already, but I guess they want to do everything to promote the new game.
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21 Sep 2008 12:31 AM
eviltrainer Administrator
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Oh, so Masuda appers in this ep? I'd like to watch Pokemon Sunday... but I can't find it anywhere to download!
And I also think it's strange they're already airing DP repeats... surely they're trying to promote the new game...
21 Sep 2008 03:00 AM
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27 Sep 2008 04:05 PM
Adamant Administrator
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To commemorate the new version of the Diamond and Pearl games, Robert makes new, more extreme "versions" of three of the quizes they have done in the past. Makes sense in Japan, I guess. Ah well, it was still funny to watch. The questions asked were the following:
1) If a person is put in a tub of hot water inside a freezing storage chamber, will he feel warm or cold? (Answer: Warm)
2) Which of these three groups will be able to send a person flying the furthest into a swimming pool: Pro Wrestlers, Judoka or Sumo Wrestlers? (Answer: Pro Wrestlers)
3) Which of these can not be done while hanging upside down: Eating ramen, using a "fukiage pipe", gurgling water, catching thrown marshmallows with your mouth, or using a kendama? (Answer: Using a kendama)