To promote the debut of the English dub anime series Pokémon the Series: XYZ, three event Pokémon will be distributed via the Nintendo Network during May 2016. Get a Legendary Pokémon Trio! Celebrating the debut of Pokémon the Series: XYZ, for a short time, you can get three powerful Legenda...
The soundtrack for the 19th Pokémon Movie - Volcanion and the Ingenious Magearna has been announced by Sony Music. This album will be the first Pokémon CD to feature the Blu-Spec CD2 technology. A Blu-spec CD can be played on all standard CD players. "Blu-spec CD2 employs the Phase Transition...
The official Pokémon movie website has updated the movie blog and "Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You"". Translations follow: Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You" #17: Ono-chan At the end of the day, this was the first Pokémon I ever chose, back when I was in grade school! So many memor...
The official Pokémon movie website has updated the movie blog and "Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You"". Translations follow: Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You" #16: Tomohisa Sako Because I want to rule the entire world through Tyltalis' fluffiness. Nyarth's Pokémon Elections Dia...
The official Pokémon movie website has updated the movie blog and "Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You"". Translations follow: Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You" #15: Club Leader Yamamoto Because this is the Pokémon that taught me how intriguing Pokémon is. Encountering this Pokémon ...
The official Pokémon movie website has updated the movie blog and "Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You"". Translations follow: Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You" #14: Nemu Yumemi I dream of going on a journey just the two of us... One where, despite its initial extreme puppy feel......
The official Pokémon movie website has updated the movie blog and "Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You"". Translations follow: Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You" #13: Mirin Furukawa The way it looks so dumb is really cute! And since it's Dark/Fighting type, it's really easy to use fr...
The official Pokémon movie website has updated. Translations of the new entries follows: Pokémon Elections 720 Interim Report The greatest Pokémon clash ever begins: The current standings in the Pokémon Elections 720 are...!!! (dated April 28th) Results Announcement Ceremony 150 groups o...
The official Pokémon movie website has updated the movie blog and "Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You"". Translations follow: Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You" #12: Nanana Nanana leans towards the Fruit Pokémon Tropius! Nanana hopes it will share its sweet fruit with Nanana... ...
The official Pokémon movie website has updated the movie blog and "Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You"". Translations follow: Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You" #11: Asami Konno I just love the way it looks. The rabbit-like ears, the circular eyes, the fluffy fur around the neck... I...
The official Pokémon movie website has updated the movie blog and "Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You"". Translations follow: Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You" #10: Haruka Christine Because the first Game Boy game I ever played was the Pikachu Version in German, back when I lived in ...
The official Pokémon movie website has updated the movie blog and "Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You"". Translations follow: Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You" #9: Trendy Angel To be perfectly frank, Yukinooh is weak. Thanks to all its weaknesses, it gets defeated really quick. But s...
Pokémon Company International has announced that the Pokémon TV app has relaunched with new features. It is available for free for Apple iOS, Android and Kindle Fire users. Press Release - Pokémon TV application relaunches with brand-new on-the-go features Download functionality and notifica...
The official Pokémon movie website has updated the movie blog and "Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You"". Translations follow: Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You" #8: Nicole Fujita I've been a fan of Flygon ever since I first saw it in the Jirachi movie. Nyarth's Pokémon Elections Di...
The official Pokémon movie website has updated with presentations of the movie's cast and a profile on YUKI. Translations of the new entry follows: Cast list Volcanion: Somegoro IchikawaRacel: Shoko NakagawaChymia: Mayu MatsuokaJarvis: Koichi YamaderaComments from the guest voice castSatoshi: Ri...
The official Pokémon movie website has updated the movie blog and "Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You"". Translations follow: Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You" #7: Rinka Otani I love the contrast between how cool it looks when it uses a move and how its eyes look cuter and cuter the ...
The official Pokémon movie website has updated the movie blog and "Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You"". Translations follow: Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You" #6: Abareru-kun For its strength, for how much I appreciate cosplaying as it, and for how extremely much help it has been fo...
The official Pokémon movie website has updated. Translations of the new entry follows: Win the world's only copy of the "Supported Pokémon T-shirt"! The "I Choose You! Backing Campaign for Your Supported Pokémon" is Underways! The "I Choose You! Backing Campaign for Your Supported Pokémon" i...
An alternate-colored Mewtwo will be distributed at the Korean Nationals Qualifying event held at the Pangyo Hyundai Department Store in Seongnam, South Korea from May 5th, 2016 until May 8th, 2016 to players of X, Y, Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire. The level 100 Mewtwo has the ability Unnerve, know th...
The official Pokémon movie website has updated the movie blog and "Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You"". Translations follow: Celebrity Pokémon Fans' "I Choose You" #5: Hyadain It's overwhelmingly difficult to get and has a real mean expression! Truly the distinguished air of a Sacred Be...