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Song Details
Title 手をつなごう
Artist 私立恵比寿中学 (Shiritsu Ebisu Chūgaku)
Language Japanese
Song Translations Japanese (Romanized) Japanese (TL)
CD Availability
Lyrics 【柏木】みんな手をつなごう つらいときはもっと
ちからを合わせよう ほら ほら 手をつなごう

【瑞季】みんな手をつなごう つらいときはもっと
【真山】ちからを合わせよう 【全員】ほら ほら 手をつなごう

【安本】だれのせいでもないけど きみは道でころんで
そのままそこに寝転び 青い空を見上げた
【杏野】ほほをつたう涙の きらめき飾りじゃない
【松野】生きてることのよろこび 今忘れちゃいけない
【廣田】膝をついて 起き上がった きみの背中にしみた
泥だらけの 傷跡の痛みは エールだ

きみと手をつなごう つらいときはもっと
【鈴木】ゼロからはじめよう 【全員】ほら ほら 手をつなごう
みんな手をつなごう つらいときはもっと
【星名】ちからを合わせよう 【全員】ほら ほら 手をつなごう

【真山】きみのだいじな友達 今はもうここにいない
あんなに約束してた 同じ夢めざそうと
【鈴木】たとえどんなに小さく まるで無力なきみでも
【瑞季】いつか交わした約束 果たせる日を信じよう
【柏木】肩をすぼめ うつむいてる 泣き出しそうなきみも
勇気出して また歩きだそうよ 明日へ

きみと手をつなごう つらいときはもっと
【松野】イチからはじめよう 【全員】ほら ほら 手をつなごう

【星名】夜空に(星に) 届け愛よ

きみと手をつなごう つらいときはもっと
【廣田】ここからはじめよう 【全員】ほら ほら 手をつなごう
みんな手をつなごう つらいときはもっと
【杏野】ちからを合わせよう 【全員】ほら ほら 手をつなごう

きみと手をつなごう 楽しいときはもっと
【安本】いっしょに手をつなごう 【全員】ほら ほら 手をつなごう
みんな手をつなごう 明るく微笑もう
【柏木】ちからを合わせよう 【全員】もっと もっと 手をつなごう
ずっと ずっと 手をつなごう
Japanese (Romanized)
[Kashiwagi] Minna te wo tsunagou tsurai toki wa motto
Chikara wo awaseyou hora hora te wo tsunagou

[Mizuki] Minna te wo tsunagou tsurai toki wa motto[Mayama] Chikara wo awaseyou [zenin] Hora hora te wo tsunagou

[Yasumoto] Dare no sei de mo nai kedo kimi wa michi de koronde
Sono mama soko ni nekorobi aoi sora wo miageta
[Anno] Hoho wo tsutau namida no kirameki kazari ja nai
[Matsuno] Ikiteru koto no yorokobi ima wasurecha ikenai
[Hirota] Hiza wo tsuite okiagatta kimi no senaka ni shimita
Dorodarake no kizuato no itami wa eeru da

Kimi to te wo tsunagou tsurai toki wa motto
[Suzuki] Zero kara hajimeyou [zenin] Hora hora te wo tsunagou
Minna te wo tsunagou tsurai toki wa motto
[Hoshina] Chikara wo awaseyou [zenin] Hora hora te wo tsunagou

[Mayama] Kimi no daiji na tomodachi ima wa mou koko ni inai
Anna ni yakusoku shiteta onaji yume mezasou to
[Suzuki] Tatoe donna ni chiisaku marude muryoku na kimi demo
[Mizuki] Itsuka kawashita yakusoku hataseru hi wo shinjiyou
[Kashiwagi] Kata wo subome utsumuiteru nakidashi sou na kimi mo
Yuuki dashite mata aruki da sou yo ashita e

Kimi to te wo tsunagou tsurai toki wa motto
[Matsuno] Ichi kara hajimeyou [zenin] Hora hora te wo tsunagou

[Hoshina] Yozora ni (hoshi ni) todoke ai yo
[Yasumoto] Minna no (negai ga) tsunagatte yuku you ni [zenin] Mirai e

Kimi to te wo tsunagou tsurai toki wa motto
[Hirota] Koko kara hajimeyou [zenin] Hora hora te wo tsunagou
Minna te wo tsunagou tsurai toki wa motto
[Anno] Chikara wo awaseyou [zenin] Hora hora te wo tsunagou

Kimi to te wo tsunagou tanoshii toki wa motto
[Yasumoto] Issho ni te wo tsunagou [zenin] Hora hora te wo tsunagou
Minna te wo tsunagou akaruku hohoemou
[Kashiwagi] Chikara wo awaseyou [zenin] Motto motto te wo tsunagou
Zutto zutto te wo tsunagou
Japanese (TL)
Everyone, let's hold hands, in painful times even more tightly
Let's combine our strength, come on, come on, let's hold hands

Everyone, let's hold hands, in painful times even more tightly
Let's combine our strength, come on, come on, let's hold hands

It was no one's fault, but you fell on the road
And just kept lying down, looking up to the blue sky
The twinkle of the tears traveling down your cheeks is not for show
Don't forget about the joy of living, now
When you rose back up from your knees, the pain of the muddy scar
Soaking into your back was like a yell

I'll hold hands with you, in painful times even more tightly
Let's start from zero, come on, come on, let's hold hands
Everyone, let's hold hands, in painful times even more tightly
Let's combine our strength, come on, come on, let's hold hands

Your precious friends are not here any more
You promised each other that you'd aim for the same dream
No matter how small and seemingly powerless you feel,
You should believe that you'll fulfill this promise one day
Even when you shrug, look down and are about to cry
Work up your courage and start walking again, towards tomorrow

I'll hold hands with you, in painful times even more tightly
Let's start from one, come on, come on, let's hold hands

My love shall reach (the stars in) the night sky
So that everyone's (wishes) will connect... to the future

I'll hold hands with you, in painful times even more tightly
Let's start from here, come on, come on, let's hold hands
Everyone, let's hold hands, in painful times even more tightly
Let's combine our strength, come on, come on, let's hold hands

I'll hold hands with you, in joyful times even more tightly
Let's hold hands together, come on, come on, let's hold hands
Everyone, let's hold hands, let's smile brightly
Let's combine our strength, let's hold hands even more tightly
Let's hold hands forever and ever