Team Vanillite Henchmen are part of the Vanipeti Gang (バニプッチ団) and they follow the instructions that their leader Doctor Ferrara / Cryogonal Man gives them. They dress up in uniforms that make them look like a Vanipeti and they often make noises to emulate a Vanipeti. They also wear masks as part of their uniform to conceal their true identities.
Their goal was to control the Unova region by stealing all the frozen food and give it to wild Pokémon to tame them. Once the Pokémon had memorized the delicious taste of the frozen food, the Pokémon will gladly follow his orders and he would then use their power. The Team Vanillite Henchmen reported to Doctor Ferrara / Cryogonal Man and informed him that they had secured all the frozen food from area F and would carry it into their warehouse and store it. Doctor Ferrara / Cryogonal Man decided to use a storehouse in Driftveil City to act as their headquarters and to store the frozen food but Linda and Charles (The Mighty Accelguard) realized something odd was going on when they noticed the trunks coming and going so often. Doctor Ferrara / Cryogonal Man captured Linda and got his henchmen to tie her up but Charles (The Mighty Accelguard) and Ash Ketchum came to her rescue.