Glenn is an aspiring Pokémon Trainer who got the idea that he and his friends Sean and Mick should have a Pokémon battle together. He almost forced Sean to get his father's Pokémon so they could have the battle. Glenn is always a bit pushy and he has sudden ideas and makes sudden demands.
In the first battle against Sean, Glenn pushed Sean's Father's Patrat and Sean's Father's Blitzle to the point of exhaustion before he finally decided to stop the battle. He then told Sean to get some more of his fathers Pokémon so they could continue battling. Not wanting to disappoint Glenn or make him mad, Sean went to go get them and Glenn went to go look for Mick who had shown them Ash's Pikachu earlier and had initially wanted to battle.
Mick won the double battle and he was quite moved to have participated in a simulated Pokémon battle. He fought against Glenn the best that he could but Glenn got a bit upset that he lost. Ash Ketchum made Glenn apologize and the two of them continued to be friends. Glenn and his friends hoped to have another Pokémon battle someday against each other. After watching the Ash's Pikachu and Ash's Krokorok battle each other, Glenn was even more moved to become a Pokémon Trainer someday.