Home / Characters / Schullin's Escavalier/シュリンのシュバルゴ/Schullin's Chevargo

Schullin's Escavalier

Character Names
  • English / United States: Schullin's Escavalier
  • Japanese / Japan: シュリンのシュバルゴ
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: Schullin no Chevargo
  • Japanese (TL) / Japan: Schullin's Chevargo
Schullin's Escavalier participated in the Frey Tripokalon Rookie Class Tournament theme performance round which featured the Performers and their Pokémon attempting to attracts the highest number of Sihorn to their side within the time limit to proceed to the free performance. It managed to help win that round but unfortunately for Shulin, she lost in the free performance round.