Home / Characters / Marina's Tentacruel/ツバキのドククラゲ/Tsubaki's Dokukurage

Marina's Tentacruel

Character Names
  • English / United States: Marina's Tentacruel
  • Japanese / Japan: ツバキのドククラゲ
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: Tsubaki no Dokukurage
  • Japanese (TL) / Japan: Tsubaki's Dokukurage
Voice Actors
Tentacruel is Marina's Pokémon and because it is a water Pokémon, Marina is very fond of it. Whilst traveling around the Orange Islands she and her Tentacruel rescued Misty's Psyduck from drowning in the sea. After realizing Misty was a water Pokémon trainer who also shared a fondness for water Pokémon they became fast friends although they had a Pokémon battle to determine who the best water Pokémon trainer is. Tentacool managed to defeat Misty's Goldeen but was defeated by her Staryu