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Pokémon Season 9: Battle Frontier

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Audio Tracks:   English
Publisher:  Magna Pacific
Catalog #:  DBX13191
Release Date:  2011-03-02
Aspect Ratio:  4:3
Region Code:  
Video Format:  PAL
Storage Medium:  DVD9
Closed Captions?:  No
Rental Only?:  No


The territory might be familiar, but even Ash and Brock can find more than a few surprises in their home region of Kanto, like a Pokémon Ranger hot on the cases of two Legendary Pokémon! May’s back on the Contest path, blazing a trail to the Kanto Grand Festival, while Ash seeks out the hidden facilities of the Battle Frontier. If finding them wasn’t hard enough, he’s still got battles with the Frontier Brains to deal with – much tougher than any Gym Leader he’s ever faced.


Episode List
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  •   Psychic VS Ghost! A Midnight Duel!?
  •   エスパーVSゴースト!真夜中の決闘!?
  •   Fear Factor Phony!
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  •   Enter Manene! The Mansion of Relief!
  •   マネネ登場!休息の館!
  •   Sweet Baby James
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  •   Mizugorou and Mokoko! A Wonder Drug for Love!?
  •   ミズゴロウとモココ!恋の特効薬!?
  •   A Chip Off the Old Brock
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  •   The Battle Arena! Fighting Showdown!!
  •   バトルアリーナ!格闘対決!!
  •   Wheel of Frontier
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  •   The Day Care Workers and the Pokémon Eggs!
  •   そだて屋さんとポケモンのタマゴ!
  •   May's Egg-cellent Adventure
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  •   My Rival is an Office Worker?!
  •   ライバルはサラリーマン!?
  •   Weekend Warrior
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  •   The Hakuryu Lake!
  •   ハクリューの湖!
  •   On Olden Pond
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  •   The Battle Dome! A Fusion of Fire and Water!!
  •   バトルドーム!炎と水のフュージョン!!
  •   Tactics Theatrics
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  •   The Shockingly Amazing Elekid!!
  •   ドッキリ!ビックリ!エレキッド!!
  •   Reversing the Charges
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  •   Enter the Pokémon Ranger! Operation: Rescue Celebi!!
  •   ポケモンレンジャー登場!セレビィ救出作戦!!
  •   The Green Guardian
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  •   Usohachi and the Ninja School!!
  •   ウソハチと忍者スクール!!
  •   From Cradle to Save
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  •   Haruka Travels Through Time!!
  •   時を超えるハルカ!!
  •   Time-Warp Heals All Wounds
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  •   Fierce Fighting At The Battle Tube! VS Tube Queen Azami!!
  •   熱闘バトルチューブ!VSチューブクイーン・アザミ!!
  •   Queen of the Serpentine
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  •   Who Has The Championship In Hand!? Pokemon Orienteering
  •   優勝は誰の手に!?ポケモンオリエンテーリング!!
  •   Off the Unbeaten Path
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  •   Gonbe's Debut Battle! Harley and Bout with Real Swords!!
  •   ゴンベのデビュー戦!ハーリーと真剣勝負!!
  •   Harley Rides Again
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  •   Juptile VS Tropius! Grassland Duel!!
  •   ジュプトルVSトロピウス!草原の決闘!!
  •   Odd Pokémon Out
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  •   Pokemon Contest! Yuzuriha Tournament!!
  •   ポケモンコンテスト!ユズリハ大会!!
  •   Spontaneous Combusken
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  •   Jukain! Dawn of Revival!!
  •   ジュカイン!復活の夜明け!!
  •   Cutting the Ties That Bind
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  •   Fierce Fighting! Jungle Battle at the Battle Palace!!
  •   激闘!バトルパレスでジャングルバトル!!
  •   Ka Boom With A View
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  •   Usohachi King and Manene Queen!?
  •   ウソハチキングとマネネクイーン!?
  •   King and Queen For a Day
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  •   The Red Lighting of the Skyscraper!
  •   摩天楼の赤いイナズマ!
  •   Curbing the Crimson Tide
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  •   Decisive Match! Haruka VS Takeshi!!
  •   大一番!ハルカVSタケシ!!
  •   What I Did For Love
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  •   Muchul and the Three Rougela Sisters!!
  •   ムチュールとルージュラ三姉妹!!
  •   Three Jynx and a Baby
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  •   Tower Tycoon, Lila Enters!
  •   タワータイクーン、リラ登場!
  •   Talking a Good Game
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  •   Battle Tower! Telepathy Battle!!
  •   バトルタワー!以心伝心バトル!!
  •   Second Time's the Charm
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  •   Pokémon Ranger! Deoxys Crisis!! Part 1
  •   ポケモンレンジャー!デオキシス・クライシス!!
  •   Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys' Crisis (Part 1)
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  •   Pokémon Ranger! Deoxys Crisis!! Part 2
  •   ポケモンレンジャー!デオキシス・クライシス!!
  •   Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys' Crisis (Part 2)
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  •   Usokkie! Gold Legend!?
  •   ウソッキー!黄金伝説!?
  •   All That Glitters Is Not Golden
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  •   Harley and Team Rocket: The Formation of a Villain Alliance!?
  •   ハーリー&ロケット団 悪役同盟結成!?
  •   New Plot, Odd Lot!
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  •   Haruka VS Musashi! The Last Contest!!
  •   ハルカVSムサシ!最後のコンテスト!!
  •   Going for Choke
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  •   The Rocket Gang Disbands!? Respective Roads!
  •   ロケット団解散!?それぞれの道!
  •   The Ole' Berate and Switch
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  •   Takeshi & Satoshi! Defend Nibi Gym in a Tag Battle!!
  •   タケシ&サトシ!タッグバトルでニビジムを守れ!!
  •   Grating Spaces
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  •   Battle Pyramid! VS Regirock!!
  •   バトルピラミッド!VSレジロック!!
  •   Battling the Enemy Within
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  •   Marvel! Mountain of the Giant Kekking!!
  •   驚異! 巨大ケッキングの山!!
  •   Slaking Kong
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  •   Begin! Pokémon Contest - Grand Festival!!
  •   開幕!ポケモンコンテスト・グランドフェスティバル!!
  •   May, We Harley Drew'd Ya
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  •   Haruka VS Harley! Stage On with a Double Battle!!
  •   ハルカVSハーリー!ダブルバトルでステージ・オン!!
  •   Thinning the Hoard
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  •   Haruka VS Shuu! The Final Battle!!
  •   ハルカVSシュウ!最後の戦い!!
  •   Channeling the Battle Zone
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  •   Eipam and the King!
  •   エイパムと王様!
  •   Aipom and Circumstance
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  •   Perap and the Pokémon Comedian!
  •   ペラップとポケモン漫才!
  •   Strategy Tomorrow – Comedy Tonight
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  •   Attack! The Stray Manyula!!
  •   襲撃!はぐれマニューラ!!
  •   Duels of the Jungle
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  •   Battle Pyramid Again! VS Registeel!!
  •   バトルピラミド再び! VSレジスチル!!
  •   Overjoyed
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  •   Haruka vs Shuu! Rivals Forever
  •   ハルカVSシュウ!ライバルよ永遠に
  •   The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing
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  •   The Pokemon Center is Very Busy!
  •   ポケモンセンターはおおいそがし!
  •   Pinch Healing
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  •   The First Pokemon! The Last Battle!!
  •   最初のポケモン!最後の戦い!!
  •   Gathering the Gang of Four
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  •   Decisive Battle! VS Regice!!
  •   決戦!VSレジアイス!!
  •   Pace - The Final Frontier
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  •   Satoshi VS Haruka! Last Battle!!
  •   サトシVSハルカ!ラストバトル!!
  •   Once More with Reeling
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  •   The End of a Journey, The Start of a Journey!
  •   旅の終わり、そして旅のはじまり!
  •   Home Is Where the Start Is!