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Cover Image Korean: PM2019 113 마지막 미션! 레지에레키, 레지드래고를 잡아라!!
Cover Image Greek: PM2019 113 Κυνηγώντας ως το τέλος!
Cover Image Portuguese: PM2019 113 A Missão Final!
Cover Image Turkish: PM2019 113 Sonuna Kadar Takip!
Cover Image Russian: PM2019 113 На пути к финалу!
Cover Image Romanian: PM2019 113 Urmărind până la capăt!
Cover Image Croatian: PM2019 113 Utrka do kraja
Cover Image Arabic: PM2019 113 !إكمال المهمة حتى النهاية
Cover Image Ukrainian: PM2019 113 Кінець — ділу вінець!
Cover Image English (Australia): PM2019 113 Chasing to the Finish!
Cover Image Japanese: PokéDoko 7 アルセウス対決で暴走化したウインディを鎮められるのは一体だれっ!? / ビッパにそっくりな四千頭身の都築が、ポケモンしりとりに初挑戦! / ポケもぐ!『イモモチ』
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): PokéDoko 7 Arceus taiketsu de bōsōka shita Windie wo shizumerareru no wa ittai dare!? / Bippa ni sokkuri na Yonsen-toshin no Tsuzuki ga, Pokémon shiritori ni hatsu chōsen! / Pokémogu! “Imomochi”
Cover Image Japanese (TL): PokéDoko 7 Who can Calm the Frenzied Windie in the Arceus Competition?! / Bippa Lookalike Tsuzuki from Yonsen-toshin Tries Pokémon Shiritori for the First Time! / Pokémogu: Potato Mochi
Cover Image Japanese: PokéDoko 8 プロ野球を目指したティモンディとの真剣勝負 / Mー1準々決勝に進んだ『怪奇!YesどんぐりRPG』がポケモンあるあるを披露!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): PokéDoko 8 Pro yakyū wo mezashita Timon D to no shinkenshōbu / M-1 junjunkesshō ni susunda "Kaiki! Yes-Donguri-RPG” ga Pokémon aruaru wo hirō!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): PokéDoko 8 Facing Pro Baseball Hopefuls Timon D in Real Earnest / M-1 Quarterfinalists "Kaiki! Yes-Donguri-RPG" Present Pokémon Tropes!
Cover Image English: Arceus 2 Fiery Reflections in Snow
Cover Image Japanese: Arceus 2 名残り雪、赤く
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): Arceus 2 Nagori yuki, akaku
Cover Image Japanese (TL): Arceus 2 Red Reflections in the Remaining Snow
Cover Image German: Arceus 2 Feurige Reflexionen im Schnee
Cover Image French: Arceus 2 Reflets embrasés sur la neige
Cover Image Italian: Arceus 2 Riflessi impetuosi nella neve
Cover Image Spanish (LA): Arceus 2 Temibles reflejos sobre la nieve
Cover Image Chinese (Mandarin Taiwan): Arceus 2 殘雪、漸紅