Today's episode of Pokémon Sunday (ポケモン☆サンデー) marks the 300th episode of the series. The series began 6 years ago on October 3rd, 2004 taking the place of the previous variety show the Weekly Pokémon Broadcasting Station (週刊ポケモン放送局). To celebrate the 300th episode, the PokéSun crew had a small party near the top of Tokyo Tower (東京タワー). At the beginning of the episode, the crew was busy setting up decorations but Golgo noticed that Akiyama wasn't around. He quickly found him asleep on the floor and woke him up so he'd help out. Shoko-tan announced the theme as the rerun episode began.
This weeks rerun theme, is a continuation of the current Water Pokémon theme, 'Cooling Summer! Water Pokémon Big Gathering!' (夏を涼しく!みずポケモン大集合!).
Whose is Waninoko!? Satoshi VS Kasumi! was this weeks repeat episode. In this episode, Satoshi and Kasumi both attempt to catch a Waninoko. Who will end up catching it?!
A full episode summary is available in the Episode Guide.
After the rerun episode, scenes from the show over the past 6 years was shown as a retrospect with highlights of some of their most popular skits. Golgo pulled the ball decoration to reveal a 300th episode banner.
Leader Kimori returned with a bouquet of flowers and to get reacquainted with everyone. Chef Takagi Yasuhiro (高木康裕) last seen in
Pokémon Sunday 218 returned with a cake shaped as a monster ball. The cake also had the heads of all the main cast members on top.

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The crew then explained they would be heading off on a road trip to Mount Fuji and on the way they watched scenes from previous episodes. The RED020 Sushinga Robot (RED020 スシンガー) from
Pokémon Sunday 43 returned to give a congratulatory message.
The next segment featured clips from some of the battles that Golgo's Okutank had participated in over the years. Rikako-chan (宮里利佳子), who defeated Golgo in a battle and as is customary when a challenged defeats a PokéSun cast member, was given the choice of which of Golgo's Pokémon he wished to trade. Rikako-chan chose Golgo's precious Okutank, to Golgo's dismay. Rikako-chan dressed up as an Okutank to give his congratulatory message and to give Golgo and update on Okutank. It's now level 44 and has spent time in
My Pokémon Ranch (みんなのポケモン牧場).

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The Pokémon Sunday News segment revealed the latest
Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection event to promote the latest Pocket Monsters movie. Starting
July 15th, 2010 and ending on August 10th, 2010, players of the Japanese versions of Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold or SoulSiver can download
Satoshi's Pikachu from Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection or Nintendo Zones in Japan like McDonalds. Pikachu is level 50 and he knows the following moves:
Volt Tackle,
Iron Tail,
Quick Attack &

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During the Pokémon Game Arena segment, the Japanese Pop group
AAA visited the studio. It was announced that they will be touring various locations from August 7th to September 12th for the new
Pokémon Searcher BW (ポケモンサーチャーBW) campaign along with Robert. The Pokémon Searcher BW bus will have information about the upcoming
Pokémon Black and White games.

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Pokémon Sunday also revealed the information that was in the
August 2010 Corocoro issue and the
official Japanese website updates. Below is a recap of the information which was also presented on the show.
New Pokémon
Koromori (コロモリ) |
Bat Pokémon |
Heart Stamp (ハートスタンプ) |
Unaware (てんねん) Klutz (ぶきよう) |
Psychic/Flying |
0.4m |
2.1kg |
Wargle (ウォーグル) |
Valor Pokémon |
Free Fall (フリーフォール) |
Keen Eye (するどいめ) Brute Force (ちからづく) |
Normal/Flying |
1.5m |
41kg |
Kibago (キバゴ) |
Tusk Pokémon |
Double Chop (ダブルチョップ) |
Rivalry (とうそうしん) Mold Breaker (かたやぶり) |
Dragon |
0.6m |
18kg |
Minezumi (ミネズミ) |
Lookout Pokémon |
You First (おさきにどうぞ) |
Run Away (にげあし) Keen Eye (するどいめ) |
Normal |
0.5m |
11.6kg |
Musharna (ムシャーナ) |
Munna's Evolution |
Dream Smoke (ゆめのけむり) |
Forewarn (よちむ) Synchronize (シンクロ) |
Psychic |
1.1m |
60.5kg |
Ranculus (ランクルス) |
Amplification Pokémon |
Dust Proof (ぼうじん) Magic Guard (マジックガード) |
Psychic |
1.0m |
20.1kg |
Gothilselle (ゴチルゼル) |
Celestial Body Pokémon |
Magic Room (マジックルーム) |
Frisk (おみとおし) |
Psychic |
1.5m |
44kg |
Pokémon Global Link (ポケモングローバルリンク)

Pokémon Global Link has two known modes. The first mode, the Game Sync feature accessible from the C Gear (Cギア) allows a player to transfer a Pokémon from their DS cart to the Internet Dream World. Players can then can play mini games on their PC with that Pokémon as well as capture Pokémon not available on the players version of the game. The second mode allows players to randomly battle and it includes a ranking system. An Eevee evolution trial will begin in August which will allow players to see how the Global Link feature will work.
New Characters
New characters have been revealed for Pokémon Black and White. Below is a brief synopsis of each character.
Belle (ベル): The hero's childhood friend, she travels even against objection of her father. She is quite a spontaneous person and is rather unreliable.
Cheren (チェレン): He has a wealth of Pokémon knowledge and is also quite reliable.
Makomo (マコモ): She is Dr. Araragi's assistant and is the person that gives the C Gear to the player.
N: N is one of the antagonists in the game.

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