final episode of Pokémon Sunday,
Tobari Gym! Lucario VS Buoysel!! / PokéSun Series Finale - A Release of Famous Scenes, Strange Scenes and Treasured Clips All in One Go! / The PokéSun Company Disbands!?? (トバリジム! ルカリオ対ブイゼル!! / ポケサン最終回、名場面・珍場面・秘蔵映像を一挙放出! / ポケサンカンパニーも解散!??), aired today in Japan. The official Pocket Monsters movie blog has confirmed that a new show called
Pokémon Smash! (ポケモンスマッシュ!) will debut on October 3rd, 2010. Pokémon Smash will replace
Pokémon Sunday (ポケモン☆サンデー) in the same 7:30am to 8:30am time slot on TV Tokyo.
A press conference was held in Tokyo on September 16th to reveal the new show.
The show begins with Golgo and Professor Red carrying a big box together until Golgo sneezes and Red drops it on the ground because its too big for one person to handle. Shoto-tan asks them what they are doing and Golgo replies that they are just cleaning up. Golgo asks "Where is Robert?" and moments later they appear through the main doors each holding a box and each of them pulls out a DVD from the box they were holding.
Golgo then tells Shoko-tan to introduce this weeks Pokémon Selection. This weeks rerun theme was a continuation of last weeks theme titled PokéSun Members Big Success (ポケスンメンバー大活躍!). The Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl episode -
Tobari Gym! Lucario VS Buoysel!! was this weeks repeat episode which features Lucario. Satoshi challenges Sumono for a gym badge but she isn't about to let him win easily, nor is her Lucario.
A full summary of this episode is available in the episode guide.
With the new anime series
Pocket Monsters Best Wishes! (ポケットモンスター ベストウイッシュ) having started earlier in the week, a preview clip for the upcoming 3rd episode of the series titled
Mijumaru! Megroco! Close Call!! (ミジュマル!メグロコ!危機一髪!!) was shown. The episode airs on Thursday, September 30th, 2010 at 7pm JST.

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This was the final episode of Pokémon Sunday and to remember the show over the years, clips from previous episodes were shown as the cast watched and reminisced about their experiences. The first clip presented by Yamamoto was a card battle from episode
#286 - Sandwichman to Card Battle (サンドウィッチマンとカードバトル). During the card battle, Mikio Date (伊達みきお) and Takeshi Tomizawa (富澤たけし), battle against Robert. The next clip also featured a TCG card battle, with Robert facing off against Yoshio Kojima (小島よしお) & Eikō Kano (狩野英孝)
in episode #273. The clips shows Yoshio loading volleyballs into a volleyball machine to shoot at Robert as an attack. Another card battle clip was shown from
episode #278 - Fruit Punch and Robert's Original Pokémon Card Battle! (フルーツポンチとロバートがポケサンオリジナルカードバトル!). During that battle, Robert faced Fruit Punch (フルーツポンチ), a Japanese comedy duo that consists of Kentaro Wataru (亘健太郎) and Takeshi Murakami (村上健志). The clip show Robert throwing buckets of water at Kentaro to represent the TCG attack
Torrent Blade (げきりゅうのやいば).
The next clip from
episode #282 featured FUJIWARA in the infamously boring Fishing Tournament Exhibition. Robert and FUJIWARA played HeartGold and SoulSilver while attempting to fish for Pokémon. A clip from the Third 'PokéSun Champion Match (第3回ポケサン最強王者決定戦!) in
episode #305 was shown. The clip featured Yamamoto defeating Shoko-tan. A brief glimpse of backstage was then shown as Shoko-tan and Baba were sitting at a table after her defeat.

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The next batch of clips featured people that have visited the show and have become Pokémon Daisuke Club members. The first clip featured the comedy duo Double Colon (Wコロン) in
episode #281 when they were helping Robert complete their Collaboration Mission 'Capture the Smiles of 100 People!' (100人の笑顔をキャプチャせよ!), which was based off the missions feature in
Pokémon Ranger - Paths of Light (ポケモンレンジャー 光の軌跡). Another clip is shown, this time from
episode #295. Robert go into a room to investigating the connection between 'The Ruler of Illusions Zoroark' and the word 'Sukima' and tambourine player Gonzo (ゴンゾー) appears from behind a couch. He can only communicate by using his tambourine. In
episode #295 He dances and plays the tambourine to
Can You Count Pokémon? (ポケモン言えるかな?). A clip from
episode #283 featuring popular Japanese magician Maggy Shinji (マギー審司) was then shown. The Rope through the clothes! ? (1 ロープが服を通り抜ける!?) trick was shown.

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McDonald's of Japan
announced that they transformed their Odaiba location to celebrate the release of
Pokémon Black and White. The transformation featured the "Black and White" style throughout the restaurant as well as many of the 5th Generation Pokémon prominently displayed. The Odaiba location is the only McDonald that will feature the renovation and only for a limited time from September 18th to October 18th, 2010.
The launch event of the Odaiba location's transformation was shown on today's episode of Pokémon Sunday which took place on September 18th between 9:30am and 11:30am. On hand were: the comedy duo
Double Colon (Wコロン), the Idol group
SKE48 and Junichi Masuda (増田順一). Ken Sugimori also provided artwork of a Victini for the restaurant.

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The Odaiba location also features a
Poké Power SPOT, which allows players to get more experience after a Pokémon Battles and makes it easier to capture Pokémon. Players of
Pokémon Black and White will also be able to visit any participating McDonald's locations throughout Japan to receive the Liberty Ticket which allows players to get Victini.

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Pokémon Center Tokyo (ポケモンセンタートウキョー) was also featured on the show. They have stocked many new 5th Generation Pokémon products for fans to purchase from stationary, to plushies and clothing.

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Golgo presented a clip showing the new legendary Pokémon Reshiram (レシラム) & Zekrom (ゼクロム). The clip showcased Zekrom's signature move Cross Thunder (クロスサンター) and Reshiram's signature move Cross Flame (クロスフレイミ]).

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At the end of the show Golgo announced that the PokéSun company was being disbanded. The song '
Auld Lang Syne' played in the background as he announced it. TIM group which includes [
Red Yoshida (レッド吉田) &
Golgo Matsumoto (ゴルゴ松本)], Robert (ロバート) group which includes [
Ryuuji Akiyama (秋山竜次),
Hiroshi Yamamoto (山本博) & Hiroyuki Baba (馬場裕之)], as well as Shoko Nakagawa (中川翔子), the cast members from Pokémon Sunday, will be returning to the new show Pokémon Smash starting next week. Lucario, Hikozaru and Yamirami will not be appearing on the show and it appears that they will be replaced by Mijumaru and Zoroark.