The announcer started off the show by teasing the audience with a preview of two movie posters, one revealed, Victini and the Dark Hero - Zekrom and other one had a big question mark covering it. He then said "Let's kick off!" as the main portion of the show began. Shoko-tan, Golgo and Robert hear a lot of loud construction noises and they realize that Professor Red wasn't with them. Akiyama wonders if Professor Red was working on his inventions again. Red then shows up with a hammer in hand and tells off Robert that he his working on inventions that will award him the Nobel Prize. Red walks out of the room mad that Robert was making fun of his inventions.
Shoko-tan introduces this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library and he also announces this weeks theme, Let's love and look after the Pokémon! (愛情を込めてポケモンの面倒を見よう!). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was
Whose is Togepi!? (トゲピーはだれのもの!?) from the
original series.
A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Since Professor Red wasn't there to do his normal saying, Shoko said the go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode. She couldn't do the popping noise with her finger and it ended up more like a kiss than a pop.

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After the repeat episode, the International division girls showed up and moments later, the familiar Back to the Future theme played with Professor Red appearing with his latest invention the RED061 - The Revised PokéSmash Face Rejoined (ポケスマ顔合わせレジュンド改) machine. The original RED052 was showcased on
Pokémon Sunday 261. The machine splits each of the cast members faces in half and then joins them together to make a new combined face. The first face was Baba on the top and Golgo on the bottom. The second one was Maria on top and Akiyama on the bottom. The third one featured Hana on the top and Choi Hong-Man on the bottom. The forth one featured Misaki on top and Yamamoto on the bottom. The fifth one featured Baba on the top and Golgo on the bottom.
Baba on the top and Golgo on the bottom. |
Maria on top and Akiyama on the bottom.
Hana on the top and Choi Hong-Man on the bottom.
Misaki on top and Yamamoto on the bottom. |
Baba on the top and Golgo on the bottom. |
For this weeks Pokémon Quiz Caravan TIM and the Internation Division girls visited the
Tatsunuma Tokyo Kids Soccer Club (東京都 辰沼少年サッカークラブ) where a bunch of Grade 4 soccer students greeted them.
For the first quiz, a new game was showcased. The Shoot Out Quiz ("うちおとす" クイズ!) featured a soccer net that was plit up into 3 regions each with a number. The team would try to kick the ball into the right section of the net that corresponded with the number they thought was the answer.
Below are the questions that were asked:
1 |
Game - What section is blocked off on the Trainer Card? 1. Hobby 2. Favorite Food 3. Nature (トレーナーカードを見るとわかるのは? ①しゅみ ②好きな食べ物 ③せいかく) |
3 - Nature [性格 (③せいかく)] Spoiler: Click to show! |
2 |
Anime - Which move does Satoshi's Pokabu know? 1. Flame Wheel 2. Flamethrower 3. Ember (サトシのポカブが使えるわざは? ①かえんぐるま ②かえんほうしゃ ③ひのこ) |
3 |
Game - What is the first thing the hero's mother gives them in Kanoko Town? 1. Lunch Box 2. Hat 3. Live Caster (主人公のお母さんがカノコタウンで最初にくれるものは? ①お弁当 ②帽子 ③ライブキャスター) |
3. Live Caster (ライブキャスター) Spoiler: Click to show! |
The Hiyappu team ended up winning as the other team got the question right as well but they hit the post when they tired to score. The International Division girls got knocked out in the second round as Hana completely missed the net.
The next segment featured a '4 Legged Quiz' (3人4脚ばらまきクイズ) where teams of 3 had their legs tied up and they were sent out to find a specific Pokémon card based on type or information that was called out. Players would have to know the correct Pokémon information for the cards that were distributed throughout the school grounds and then return back to Red and Golgo.

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The next part of the Caravan quiz was the Pokémon Black White Quiz. The questions were to be answered in a Yes - White (O) or No - Black (X) format and the teams would all have to decide which was the right answer and stand on the appropriate side of the line if they didn't want to get eliminated from the quiz.

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Below are the questions that were asked:
During the Marketing Department segment, Shoko-tan announced that there would be a second Pocket Monsters movie released this summer. The announcement revealed that 14th Pocket Monsters movie will actually be two separate movies that will debut in Japanese theaters on July 16th, 2011.
Victini and the White Hero - Reshiram (ビクティニと白き英雄レシラム) was announced and it will complement the previously announced
Victini and the Dark Hero - Zekrom (ビクティニと黒き英雄ゼクロム).

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