The announcer introduced the show by saying: "PokéMorning! Welcome back! Today we are going to feature Pokémon game battle right here on Pokémon Smash! Let's jump right in!". Golgo started by introducing the new tournament and showing the tournament tree.
Yamamoto introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library and he also announces this weeks theme, A cutie is a rose; beware of the thorns. (かわいいものにはトゲがある). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was
The Most Horrible Togepi of All Time! (史上最悪のトゲピー!) from the
Diamond and Pearl series.
A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.
After the Pokémon Library episode, the International division girls showed up. The narrator then reviewed the history of the tournament.
In Pokémon Sunday #206, the first tournament was held. Baba ended up winning that while Shoko-tan was the runner up.
In Pokémon Sunday #253, the second tournament was held. Shoko-tan ended up winning after defeating Baba in the finals.
In Pokémon Sunday #305, the third tournament was held. Yamamoto ended up winning that tournament. Now for the fourth tournament, Yamamoto and Shoko-tan were placed at opposite ends of the tournament tree as they were the top seeds. Since only 8 players could participate in the tournament structure, Maria and Hana had a qualifying battle which Maria won.

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The remaining tournament participants each selected a ball with an number on it out of a box to determine who they would be matched up against. Game Freak Game Designers Shigeki Morimoto and Junichi Masuda both showed up to be spectators. Morimoto was previously on
Pokémon Smash #21 to help the Pokémon Smash crew with their battling techniques. The tournament tree match-ups for the first round were: Baba VS Yamamoto, Misaki VS Professor Red, Golgo VS Akiyama and Maria VS Shoko-tan. All Pokémon in the tournament were level limited to 50, but not all Pokémon were level up'd to 50 and the battles were 4VS4.

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Baba VS Yamamoto - Round 1 - Battle 1

In the
third tournament, Yamamoto ended up beating Baba but Baba said then that he would exact his revenge on Yamamoto in the 4th tournament. Yamamoto sent out
Elphoon and
Sazandora while Baba sent out
Zuruzukin and
Ulgamoth. Baba knocked out Yamamoto's
Elphoon and Yamamoto then sent out his
Burungel. Baba then switched out his
Zuruzukin for his
Sazandora. Baba's
Sazandora then knocked out Baba's
Sazandora. Yamamoto then sent out his last Pokémon,
Hihidaruma. Yamamoto used
Flare Blitz to knock out Baba's
Sazandora. Yamamoto's
Burungel then knocked out Baba's
Ulgamoth. Baba then sent out his
Zuruzukin and his final Pokémon,
Archeos. Yamamoto's
Burungel was knocked out by
Stone Edge and then moments later
Stone Edge knocked out Yamamoto's
Hihidaruma to give Baba the win.
Misaki VS Profesor Red - Round 1 - Battle 2

Professor Red started off by sending out his
Enbuoh and
Swanna. Misaki sent out her
Dageki and
Kojondo. Professor Red's
Enbuoh knocked out Misaki's
Kojondo with a one hit
Flare Blitz. She sent out her
Roubushin to replace it. Professor Red's
Enbuoh delt significant damage using
Flamethrower on
Dageki but revealed it as a
Zoroark using its Illusion ability. Misaki fought back though knocking out Red's
Enbuoh and
Swanna fairly quickly. Red then sent out his
Crimgan and
Ononokus. The battle fast forwarded and came to a point where Misaki had her real
Dageki out and she knocked out Red's
Ononokus using
Close Combat. Red fought back with his
Outrage to knock out her
Dageki. The battle was down to Red's
Crimgan and Misaki's
Roubushin. Misaki's
Roubushin had the next move and she used
Stone Edge to win the battle.
Golgo VS Akiyama - Round 1 - Battle 3

Not all the battle was shown and it started off with both of them only having 3 Pokémon left. Akiyama had
Mooland and
Chillaccino while Golgo had his
Dageki and
Archeos out in the battle. The clip shows Golgo winning by using
Close Combat on Akiyama's
Bassrao. Unfortunately very little was shown of this particular battle probably because it wasn't as interesting as the other battles that took place in the tournament and also Akiyama didn't really seem to be interested too much in the tournament this time as he wasn't as enthusiastic and energetic as he normally is.
Maria VS Shoko-tan - Round 1 - Battle 4

In the
third tournament, Shoko-tan was devastated when Yamamoto ended up winning that tournament but now her rival has already been defeated. Shoko-tan sent out her
Burungel and
Kojondo while Maria sent out her
Zebraika and
Warrgle. Shoko-tan changed out her
Burungel for her
Ulgamoth right off the bat after seeing Maria's
Zebraika. After being damaged by Maria's
Zebraika's Thunderbolt, Shoko-tan switched out her
Archeos in place of her
Kojondo. Maria then knocked out Shoko-tan's
Ulgamoth with another
Thunderbolt. Shoko-tan sent out her
Kojondo again to replace her knocked out
Ulgamoth. Shoko-tan then switched out her
Kojondo again for her
Burungel while her
Archeos knocked out Maria's
Warrgle. The battle then fast-forwards to show Shoko-tan's
Burungel knocking out Maria's
Chandela. Shoko-tan's
Archeos then used
Rock Slide to finsh off Maria's
Zebraika as well. That left Maria with just her alternate colored
Sazandora but it was knocked out by Shoko-tan's
Archeos' Acrobatics attack to give Shoko-tan the win.
Baba VS Misaki - Round 2 - Battle 1

Miskai sent out her
Dageki and
Ulgamoth while Baba sent out his
Zuruzukin and
Symboler. Baba's
Symboler finished off Misaki's
Ulgamoth with an
Air Slash. Misaki then sent out her
Roubushin to replace her
Ulgamoth and it used
Bark Out (バークアウト) to knock out Baba's
Symboler. Misaki's
Roubushin also then knocked out Baba's
Zuruzukin with
Close Combat. Baba then sent out his
Ulgamoth and
Lanculus. Misaki's
Dageki was knocked out by a Sandstorm. Misaki then sent out another
Roubushin. Baba attacked and the first one was revealed to be her Zoroark as the
Bark Out (バークアウト) move had previously hinted at that. Misaki then knocked out Baba's
Ulgamoth with a
Stone Edge attack leaving Baba with only his
Lanculus at 18 HP. Baba though was able to fight back as he knocked out Misaki's
Roubushin on his next round with a
Psychic attack and Misaki's Zoroark got knocked out right after as it took burn damage from a previous attack to give Baba the victory and advance to the finals.
Golgo VS Shoko-tan - Round 2 - Battle 2

The winner of this battle would face Baba in the finals. Golgo sent out his
Muggyo and
Shibirudon while Shoko-tan sent out her
Archeos and
Kojondo. Golgo's
Shibirudon used
Rock Slide to finsh off Shoko-tan's
Archeos. She sent out her
Sazandora to replace it. Golgo then switched out his
Shibirudon for his
Freegeo. Shoko-tan switched out her
Kojondo for her
Burungel. Shoko-tan used
Draco Meteor to knock out Golgo's
Freegeo though. Golgo sent out his
Archeos to replace his
Freegeo. Shoko-tan's
Burungel used
Scald to deal significant damage to Golgo's
Muggyo and knock out his
Archeos. Shoko-tan used
Draco Meteor again to knock out Golgo's
Muggyo leaving him only with his
Shibirudon but it had hardly any HP left and Shoko-tan ended up winning.
Baba VS Shoko-tan - Finals
In Pokémon Sunday #206, the first tournament was held. Baba ended up winning that while Shoko-tan was the runner up. Now in the 4th tournament, the two meet again for a rematch. Baba starts off by saying he will not loose. Baba sent out his
Zuruzukin and
Sazandora while Shoko-tan sent out her
Archeos and
Kojondo, the same starting combo she sent out against Golgo in her last battle. Shoko-tan's
Kojondo knocked out Baba's
Zuruzukin with a
Hi Jump Kick. Shoko-tan's
Archeos then K.O'd Baba's
Sazandora with an
Acrobatics attack. Baba then sent out his
Archeos and
Ulgamoth. Shoko-tan's
Kojondo knocked out Baba's
Archeos with a
Hi Jump Kick leaving him only with his
Ulgamoth against all four of Shoko-tan's Pokémon. Baba was able to take out both Shoko-tan's
Archeos and
Kojondo before Shoko-tan sent out her
Sazandora and
Burungel finished him off to give Shoko-tan the victory and make her the 4th tournament's champion.