The announcer introduced the show by saying: "Happy Holidays! This is the last edition of the year! We'll bring you a very Merry Pokémon Smash! Ho Ho ho!". The Pokémon Smash crew was busy decorating a Christmas tree when Golgo walked in and said: Merry Pokésumas! (メリー ポケスマス!). Shoko-tan decided to put a lampstand ( Bonbori 雪洞), usually used in the
Japanese Doll Festival / Girls Day, on the top of the tree where the star generally would go. After seeing the lampstand on the tree, Golgo began singing the song lyrics to the Hinamatsuri song 「Akari o tsukemashou
bonbori ni あかりをつけましょ
ぼんぼり に」 as the bonbori on the tree reminded him on the song. Quickly though his attitude changed and called Shoko-tan his normal 'Bakamon!'(バカモーン!) as obviously the bonbori has no place on a Christmas tree.
Next Professor Red put up a Koinobori (鯉幟) on the Christmas tree which is a carp-shaped wind sock traditionally flown in Japan to celebrate Tango no Sekku (端午の節句) but the holiday is now called
Children's Day and is held on May 5th. Golgo began singing the first line of the
Koinobori song after he saw it on the tree. He quickly called Red a 'Bakamon!' as once again a Koinobori has no place on a Christmas tree.
Finally, Akiyama put a tag on the Christmas tree that said: May the portrait of Yamamoto's mother be seen all over Japan. 「山本隊員のお母さんの似顔絵が日本中ではやりますように」. It was a wish that should have been made during
Tanabata (七夕) and Golgo pointed out that the wish tag had no place on a Christmas tree. Akiyama still decided to show the picture of Yamamoto's mother.

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The crew introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library. This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was
Tornelos VS Voltolos VS Landlos! (Part 2)(トルネロスVSボルトロスVSランドロス!(後編)) from the
Best Wishes series.
A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.
After the Library episode, the International division girls showed up. Shoko-tan then announced she had made a dessert she called: Ikasumi
Bûche de Noël (イカスミ ブッシュ・ド ・ノエル). The entire crew did not want to try it obviously and Shoko-tan was a bit sad because she'd worked hard on it. Professor Red to the rescue though! His latest invention the: RED069 - Show who is chosen by a Roulette Wheel! (RED069 ルーレットで決めまショー!). The device was a roulette wheel that had all the names of the members on it. Yamamoto pointed out that Professor Red's slice was the smallest and Yamamoto's was the largest. Yamamoto switched names locations so that he had the smallest slice and Red had the larges. Red pulled the lever and the wheel spun around. It landed on Shoko-tan but then spun up again. It then landed on Red, but then quickly spun to Yamamoto and stayed there. Yamamoto once again had to eat Ikasumi (Squid Ink).
Misaki then introduced the VTR for the episode which was "A Competition in Making Pokémon New Years' Meals". Child Cooking Prodogy (天才こども料理人)
Kogoma (こごま) showed up once again to help out with the cooking. She was last seen in
Pokémon Smash #56. The crew members each worked on creating different Pokémon out of different foods.
Kogoma did the first box and it included a Shaymin made from: Boiled Eggs (ゆでたまご), Ham (ハム), Pasta (パスタ) and Green Pea pods (いんげん など), a Tamagetake made from: Raw Mushroom (生マッシュルーム), Crab (カニカマ),
Kamaboko(かまぼこ) and Seawead(のりなど), and finally a Miruhog made from:
Fried Chicken (とりのからあげ), Cheese Slices (スライスチーズ), Egg (卵), and Seawead(のりなど).
Pokémon Smash crew did the second box. Misaki made a Darumakka from: Pounded Fish Cake (はんペん), Crab (カニカマ) and Cheese Slices (スライスチーズ). Yamamoto made a Dangoro from:
Taro (さといも), Yukari (ゆかり) and
Kamaboko(かまぼこ). Hana made a Gigigiaru from:
Konjac (こんにゃく) and Pickled Eggplant(なすのつけもの). Baba made a Miruhog from: Rolled Omelet (伊達巻き), Radish (大根) and Cherry tomato (プチトマト). Maria made a Munna from:
Yudetamago(ゆどたまご) and
Perilla (しそ) to get the pink color. Akiyama made a Bachuru from: Mashed sweet potatoes with sweetened chestnuts (くりきんとん) and Chocolate(チョコレート).
Kogoma made the third and final box which was a Pikachu made from: Rice (ごはん), Egg (卵), Seawead(のり) and large broad beans (お多福豆).

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Misaki Reports on Various Events, including the 'Pokémon Center Tohoku' Opening!

To celebrate the opening of the newest Pokémon Center store, Pokémon Center Tohoku, which officially opened on December 4th 2011, Pokémon Center stores all over Japan were hosting a series of events featuring Pokémon Center Tohoku's three mascots Pikachu, Tsutarja and Victini. These events are also connected to "POKÉMON with YOU", the support group for children recovering from the Tohoku earthquake. Miksai visited the opening and showed viewers around the new Pokémon Center.
Muscle Band Tsutarja
During the period of December 4th to December 18th 2011, a special event Pokémon was distributed at all Pokémon Centers in Japan:
Species: Tsutarja
Level: 5
Original Trainer:トウホク (Tohoku)
Gender: Male
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Growth, Synthesis, Energy Ball, Aromatherapy
Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon
Held item: Muscle Band
Ball: Cherish Ball
The moves Synthesis and Aromatherapy can not normally be learned by Tsutarja.
Further details on the
Pokémon Center Tohoku Tsutarja can be found in the Event Database.
Korean Movie 14 Premiere and Event Pokémon Distribution
Misaki then went to Korea to report on the theatrical release of the 14th Movies
Victini and the Light Hero - Reshiram / Victini and the Dark Hero - Zekrom (비크티니와 흑의 영웅 제크로무 / 비크티니와 백의 영웅 레시라무) which debuted there on December 22nd, 2011. Misaki walked around the theater premiere and showed off people getting
the Victini download event as well as
Han Jiu's Zekrom and
Han Jiu's Reshiram.
New Pokémon Smash Ending - I am a Hero
Pokémon Smash also will be debuting a new ending theme. The song will be
I am a hero by Stereopony, and it was performed on the show during episode 64.
Stereopony (ステレオポニー) is a girl rock band consisting of Aimi (lead guitar/lead vocals), Nohana (bass guitar), and Shiho (drums).
The song is on their latest CD
More! More!! More!!!.
Can You Say the Pokémon? BW (ポケモン言えるかな? BW 高速ver.) was still the actually ending used in this episode though.
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