The announcer introduced the show by saying: "Good morning boys and girls! We'll bring you the latest info on Pokémon! It's time for Pokémon Smash!" The episode started with Robert working on their
Tanka technique and explain what a tanka is. The first tanka was literally Robert just saying "We are writing tanka, but what are tanka?" (ボケたちは たんかづくりを しています たんかがなにか しっていますか?) as a tanka. The second one they did was based off of
Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition: "It evokes feelings of Warring State Officers, tanka being a pastime of the Warring States Period" (戦国の 武将のきもちに なりたくて 戦国武将の しゅみは短歌).
Shoko-tan then introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library. The theme for the episode was: Beware of the lovey-dovey ones! (ラブラブすきにご用心!). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was
Pikachu, Pochama, Keep Apart!! (ピカチュウポッチャマくっつかないで!!) from the
Diamond and Pearl.
A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.
After the Pokémon Library episode, the International girls all showed up and Hana asked what a
Tanka (短歌) is. The narrator then went on to explain the setup of a tanka for the audience.
They then decided to play a tanka game where they
randomly took 7 or 5 syllable phrases from two piles and put them together to make a tanka. They came up with: "Hi-Hi-Hiroshi, take off your western-style clothes before you face your mother and grandfather" (ヒヒヒロシ ぼくの母さん おじいさん 前を向きつつ 洋服をぬぐ).
For the VTR, Robert had a combat with the Shizuru Group as they experienced the World of
Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition. The narrator briefly explained the game and showed a small clip from
Pokémon Smash 72 when Robert went to Koei Tecmo to learn and play the game. In this episode, they expanded their coverage of the game. Yamamoto dressed up as the main protagonists of the game [PROTAGONIST (BOY) + EIEVUI
(主人公+イーブイ)] while Baba dressed up as Oichi [OICHI-NO-KATA + PURIN (オイチ+プリン)]. Akiyama also dressed up as an original officer from the
posters the artists of the game made and was partnered with
Ryuuji+Monmen (モンメン+リュージ). Maria dressed up as MAEDA KEIJI and she was partnered with
Yogiras. Hana dressed up as ODA NOBUNAGA while Misaki dressed up as TOYOTOMI HIDEYOSHI + Hikozaru.
Kazuma Ikeda (池田一真) and
Jun Murakami (村上純) from the comedy dup
Shizuru (who also host children's variety show
Oha Suta) played Hachisuka Koroku (コロク) and Hirano Nagayasu (ナガヤス).
Robert competed against a team-up of Shizuru and Misaki in a 3-on3 Combat on an original Pokémon Smash battle field that they setup in a gym. A grid was laid out to emulate the movement squares in the game. Akiyama+Monmen moved up really far ahead and Jun+Bippa attacked with
Headbutt (ずつき) which was emulated by hitting him on the head. Misaki+Hikozaru then attacked with
Ember which was emulated by her splashing Akiyama with hot water. Baba+Purin then moved into position to attack Misaki+Hikozaru and used
DoubleSlap which knocked off her hat. Yamamoto+Eevee then moved into position and attacked Kazuma+Pokabu with
Absorb which was emulated with Akiyama holding a vaccum against Misaki's cheek. That knocked out Misaki from the battle. Yamamoto and Akiyama then knocked out the other two to give Robert the victory in the battle.
After the battle the narrator talked about the
Reshiram Event for the game that could be downloaded via Wi-Fi.
Wi-Fi Episode:
Event Name: Reshiram Event (レシラムのイベント) Dates Available for Japan: March 31st, 2012 to no end date This event allows access to Reshiram, the legendary Fire/Dragon type Pokémon. Once downloaded, it will become accessible after viewing the game's ending. |
In the game
Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition, when a player befriended a Pokémon, they 'link' with it. They initially have a low link level and need to increase it by battling together. Shizuru needed to work on their link percentages and to emulate that process a conveyor belt of cream puffs for them to eat was setup. They each tried to eat as many as possible. Jun Murakami ended up getting
Gureggru as his partner. Shizuru and Misaki then teamed up with Robert for the next battle.
MORI MOTONARI + Tsutarja, Takakage + Kurumiru and Motoharu + Yanappu were the next battlers to face the 6 of them in a 6-on-3 battle. Jun+Gureggru quickly moved into attack position and attacked Motoharu+Yanappu with
Poison Sting. Kazuma+Pokabu also attacked Motoharu+Yanappu with
Ember but also splashed Jun+Gureggru. Misaki+Hikozaru then attacked MORI MOTONARI + Tsutarja with
Ember and slashed him with hot water but they attacked back and knocked Misaki+Hikozaru out of the battle. Yamamoto+Eevee decided they needed to retreat and regroup because MORI MOTONARI + Tsutarja was quite strong. They continued battling off screen for a bit and Akiyama and Jun both were knocked out as well. With the Yamamoto+Eevee as the last remaining battler against MORI MOTONARI + Tsutarja, he attacked with
Quick Attack and managed to knock them out to give them the battle win. Yamamoto celebrated but no one was really too happy as they'd all been knocked out.

Click on image for higher resolution
Nobunaga's Dark Rayquaza
To help promote the release of Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition (ポケモン+ノブナガの野望),
Nobunaga's Dark Rayquaza (ノブナガの黒いレックウザ) was distributed on the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection to players of the Japanese versions of
Pokémon Black and White (ポケットモンスター ブラック・ホワイト). The announcer let viewers know of the event right after the final live action battle.
The details of Nobunaga's Dark Rayquaza are as follows:
Pokémon Smash Pencilboard
A limited collectors edition Pokémon Smash Pencilboard featuring the current cast of the show dressed up to match the poster of Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition was distributed for free while supplies lasted at participating Apita, Piago, Aeon, Ito-Yokado, Daiei, Toys 'R' Us, Fujiguran, Heiwado and Pokémon Center locations. Yamamoto announced the present on the show and behind the scenes of the photoshoot was shown.
In the viewer battle, 11 year old Yousuke Hatano (波田野陽亮) battled against Yamamoto but he wasn't able to defeat him.
Shoko-tan and Misaki Corner
In a segment hosted by Shoko-tan and Misaki, the pre-order tickets for this summers
Pocket Monster Movie 15 - Kyurem VS the Sacred Swordsman Keldeo (キュレムVS聖剣士ケルディオ) were announced and go on sale
April 14th, 2012 and players could get Keldeo if they pre-order the ticket. General admission is 1300yen, youth admission is 800yen and a parent/child combo is 2000yen. The tickets can be purchased at participating: 7/11's, Ito-Yokado, Aeon, Aeon Supercenters, Toys 'R' Us, Apita, Piago, Al-Plaza, Heiwado, Daiei, Fuji, Pokémon Centers and Toho cinemas nationwide. If you purchase the ticket from 7/11, players need to bring the voucher and movie ticket to a participating distribution location as Keldeo will not be distributed at 7/11. Keldeo can not be received by non-Japanese versions of Black and White and it cannot be traded on the Global Trade Station.
The details of Keldeo are as follows:
Level: 15 |
Poké ball: Cherish Ball |
Ribbon: Wish Ribbon |
Ability: Justified |
Held Item: PP Max |
Attack 1: Aqua Jet |
Attack 2: Leer |
Attack 3: Double Kick |
Attack 4: BubbleBeam |