Home/Episode Guide/アルセウス対決で暴走化したウインディを鎮められるのは一体だれっ!? / ビッパにそっくりな四千頭身の都築が、ポケモンしりとりに初挑戦! / ポケもぐ!『イモモチ』/Who can Calm the Frenzied Windie in the Arceus Competition?! / Bippa Lookalike Tsuzuki from Yonsen-toshin Tries Pokémon Shiritori for the First Time! / Pokémogu: Potato Mochi
Arceus taiketsu de bōsōka shita Windie wo shizumerareru no wa ittai dare!? / Bippa ni sokkuri na Yonsen-toshin no Tsuzuki ga, Pokémon shiritori ni hatsu chōsen! / Pokémogu! “Imomochi”
Who can Calm the Frenzied Windie in the Arceus Competition?! / Bippa Lookalike Tsuzuki from Yonsen-toshin Tries Pokémon Shiritori for the First Time! / Pokémogu: Potato Mochi
Who can calm the Frenzied Windie in the Arceus competition?! Shosei-kun does such a good job the hosts can't believe it's his first time playing the game!!
We'll also have Pokémogu featuring potato mochi.
Bippa lookalike Tsuzuki from Yonsen-toshin tries Pokémon shiritori for the first time, but struggles with words not coming out as expected! Will he manage a super effective clear...?!
Also search for hidden Pokémon!
Who can calm the Frenzied Windie in the Arceus competition?! Shosei-kun does such a good job the hosts can't believe it's his first time playing the game!!
We'll also have Pokémogu featuring potato mochi.
Bippa lookalike Tsuzuki from Yonsen-toshin tries Pokémon shiritori for the first time, but struggles with words not coming out as expected! Will he manage a super effective clear...?!
Also search for hidden Pokémon!