On November 4th, 2022, Shogakukan-Shueisha Productions Inc. (ShoPro)
posted a press release about this episode.
The "Pocket Monsters" TV anime, which airs every Friday at 6:55pm on the TV Tokyo Network, will finally show the conclusion to the fierce final battle of the "Pokémon World Championships", the tournament that will determine who's the best at Pokémon battling, on Friday November 11th! Promo pictures from the episode "The Finals IV: Partner" have just been revealed, as has a special feature article on the Pokémon World Championships!
This battle started as a 6-on-6 full battle, but Satoshi now only has Pikachu left, and Dande just made his strongest partner Lizardon Kyodaimax. The Galar Particles reacted strongly to the clash between the Z-Move "10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt" and "G-Max Wildfire", which led to the legendary Pokémon Mugendaina showing up, having sensed their increased power! This sudden, unexpected visitor sent the stadium into a frenzy. What could it be here for...?!
In addition, the battle between Satoshi and Dande is finally reaching its climax! Dande has two Pokémon left, the protean goalhunter with the Ability "Libero", Aceburn, and the sword and shield of the Greatest of Them All, Lizardon! And Satoshi throws his fully powered strength at him with his incomparable partner, Pikachu! Will the baton that got passed to it from its teammates lead to victory?!
And on that very same day, the special "Streaming Live! The Satoshi VS Dande Support Special" will be shown on the official Pokémon Youtube channel! It will be hosted by Ryogo Matsumaru and feature guests related to the Pocket Monsters anime. They will hype up the finals battle between Satoshi and Dande alongside you viewers in real time!
Friday November 11th: The Finals IV: Partner
Mugendaina has suddenly appeared in Shoot Stadium! What could it be here for...?! In addition, the battle between Satoshi and Dande is reaching its climax! As they take on Dande's ace Lizardon, Satoshi and Pikachu muster the last of their strength; Everything they've gained from all their encounters, battles and adventures thus far...! Will Satoshi be able to seize the laurels of victory alongside his greatest partner?!
Who will end up being the greatest Pokémon battler of all?! Don't miss the greatest showdown in all history!!
激闘のファイナルバトル、遂に決着! ファイナルⅣ「相棒」 最速先行カット初解禁!
テレビ東京系で毎週金曜よる6時55分から放送中のテレビアニメ「ポケットモンスター」にて、ポケモンバトル最強を決める大会「ポケモンワールドチャンピオンシップス」激闘のファイナルバトルが11月11日(金)、遂に決着! 『ファイナルⅣ「相棒」』の最速先行カットを解禁! さらに、ポケモンワールドチャンピオンシップス決勝戦の特別号外を公開しました!
6対6のフルバトルではじまったこの一戦、サトシはピカチュウを残すのみとなり、ダンデは最強の相棒・リザードンをキョダイマックスさせた。Zワザ「1000まんボルト」と「キョダイゴクエン」の激突に、ガラル粒子が大きく反応。増大するパワーを感じ取ったのか、伝説のポケモン、ムゲンダイナが現れた! 予期せぬ突然の来訪者に騒然となるスタジアム。ムゲンダイナの目的とは…!?
そして、サトシとダンデのバトルも遂にクライマックスへ! 特性“リベロ”をもつ変幻自在の炎のゴールハンター、エースバーンと、絶対王者の剣と盾であるリザードンの2体を残すダンデに対し、サトシは唯一無二の相棒・ピカチュウと共に王者へ全力をぶつける! 仲間から受け取ったバトンを勝利に繋げるか!?
さらに同日、ポケモン公式YouTubeチャンネルにて、特別番組「生配信!サトシVSダンデ応援スペシャル」の配信が決定! MCに松丸亮吾を迎え、アニメ「ポケットモンスター」にゆかりのあるゲストが登場。サトシとダンデの決勝戦の模様を視聴者と共にリアルタイムで盛り上げます!
▲11月11日(金)放送 ファイナルⅣ「相棒」
シュートスタジアムに突如現れたムゲンダイナの目的は一体…!? そして、サトシとダンデのバトルもクライマックスへ! ダンデのエース・リザードンに対し、サトシとピカチュウは最後の力を振り絞り立ち向かう。これまでの出会いを、バトルを、冒険の全てを―!最高の相棒と共に、サトシは栄冠をつかむことはできるのか―!?