This week, the Weekly Pokémon Broadcasting Station shows another variety show. In this week's installment of the segment "Caught on Camera! Thrilling Pokémon Videos", we'll show thrilling footage from the day a UFO and its alien crew visited the Pokémon world. As Satoshi and his friends approached the UFO, two aliens appeared in a ray of light and abducted his Pikachu. What will happen to it?
In "Rankings of Anything and Everything Pokémon", we answer a question no doubt on many viewers' mind right now: It's almost time for
flower viewing, so which Pokémon would be the most interesting to bring along? With all the different personalities we find among the species, a flower viewing party hosted by Pokémon would definitely be an exciting experience.
The Rocket Gang again crashes the studio, hosting a ranking of their own "lovely, charmy scenes". They have many such scenes, including the ones where they suddenly break into a song or a dance, like the time they did a performance of classic flamenco.
Finally, in the Request Corner, a viewer has asked us to show the scene where we first got introduced to Hiroshi. Hiroshi is a boy with a calm demeanor and a passionate heart, and Satoshi first met him at the Pokémon League, where he made for a good rival. In addition to his introduction scene, we'll also show the intense battle between Hiroshi's Pikachu "Leon" and Satshi's Pikachu, an absolute must-see.