This week, the Weekly Pokémon Broadcasting Station shows another variety show. This time, we debut a new segment, "A Funny Pokémon Story", where revered fairly tales and fables will be given Pokémon adaptions. In this first installment, we hear the story of an old man who took a walk in the mountains, and came across a glowing bamboo stalk. Cutting it open, he found a Pukurin as small as a ball, which he called
Kaguya - "Radiant-night"...
In "Rankings of Anything and Everything Pokémon", we do a timely look at which Pokémon we think like springtime the most. Which see which Pokémon are the most suited for springtime activities like picnics and shell collecting, as well as Pokémon showing springtime-esque displays of love and Pokémon suitably dressed for spring.
Suddenly, Nyarth crashes the studio, declaring himself to be the new director of the broadcasting station. Being fed up with Musashi and Kojiro calling him too useless to appear on their pirate station, he gets back at them by hosting his own personal segment, "Nyarth's Fasion Show".
Finally, in the Request Corner, we have been asked to do a feature on the Pocket Monsters opening and ending songs. Since the show started 6 years ago, 19 different songs have been featured, and many of them have become big hits. Do you know them all?