Home / Episode Guide / Viewing Series: おやすみのたね。
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  • Japanese (Romanized): Oyasumi no tane.
  • Japanese (TL): Good Night Seeds.
Started airing: 2024-06-02
Popular Characters
Episode List
  • Napping Recommendations
  • 昼寝のすすめ
  • The Relationship Between Sleeping and Light
  • ねむりと明かりの関係
  • Does Sleeping Help Children Grow up Well?
  • 寝る子は育つ?
  • Be Careful with Caffeine
  • カフェインに気をつけて
  • Does a lack of sleep make you crave sweets?
  • 睡眠不足だと甘いものが欲しくなる?
  • I'm tired but I can't Sleep
  • 疲れているのに寝られない