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06 May 2008 02:15 PM
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The Pokémon TCG: Diamond & Pearl Majestic Dawn expansion was released on May 21st, 2008 . Press release pictures from this set have been added to an Imageboard thread.


Far From All Things Ordinary, the Majestic Dawn Rises! A new day is emerging for the awesome powers that wait just beyond the horizon. In the Pokémon TCG: Diamond & Pearl—Majestic Dawn expansion, the Evolution Pokémon Eevee is ready to be discovered in its ice and grass forms—Glaceon and Leafeon. With more new Pokémon, new Pokémon LV.X, a cool new Stadium card, and all seven powerful evolutions of Eevee, Majestic Dawn puts amazing origins right before your eyes!

Press Release

The all-new Pokemon Trading Card Game expansion Diamond & Pearl - Majestic Dawn hits store shelves nationwide on May 21, 2008. This latest installment features 100 cards and is guaranteed to change game strategy for Trainers everywhere. With more new Pokemon, new Pokemon LV.X, a cool new Stadium card, and the debut of two new powerful evolutions of Eevee, players can expect a titanic clash of some of the most powerful Pokemon ever!


  • New powerful Pokemon LV.X cards - including Garchomp LV.X and Porygon-Z LV.X<
  • Legendary Pokemon Darkrai and rare Pokemon Cresselia
  • Seven evolutions of Eevee - including all-new Leafeon and Glaceon
  • Features booster packs for collectors and players of all ages
  • Booster packs include 10 randomly inserted game cards
  • Features theme decks for beginner and intermediate players
  • Theme decks will be available in two 60-card theme decks - "Polar Frost" and "Forest Force"
  • Theme decks include one guaranteed foil card

The Diamond and Pearl Pre-release tournaments are coming to North America on the weekends of May 10th-11th and May 17th-18th, giving players a chance to play the cards in this new set, including all of Eevee's Evolutions and more Pokemon LV.X, it's a chance not to be missed!

The entry fee for the tournament includes 6 Diamond and Pearl - Majestic Dawn booster packs that are yours to keep. You can receive two additional packs by completing the event and while supplies last, all participants receive a free Mothim prerelease promo card and a Diamond and Pearl - Majestic Dawn promotional item! All players in good standing are welcome to attend, and players will compete in three divisions: Junior (born in or after 1997), Senior (born between 1993-1996), or Master (born in or before 1992). Bring your Pokemon Organized Play Card if you have one, and if not, you can register for one at the tournament.

Source: http://go-pokemon.com/tcg/news/articles/74.html

Diamond & Pearl Majestic Dawn

Find out what's beyond the newest horizon in Diamond & Pearl—Majestic Dawn!

Take It Eevee
One of the most anticipated groups of Pokémon has arrived! Eevee gains two more evolutions in Majestic Dawn, bringing the total number of evolutions it has to seven, and you'll find each of them in this set! Leafeon (7/100) traps the opponent’s Defending Pokémon in the battle, locking it in for future damage with Leaf Guard’s combination of hard hits and built-in defense. Glaceon (5/100) can nullify incoming attacks when using its Snow Cloak each turn, and then kicks into high gear with Speed Slide, which avoids all kinds of defenses. One of the best parts of using Eevee and its evolutions is the amount of options you have for adding extra Pokémon types to your deck—it's easy to do and fun besides!

There’s a New LV.X Pokémon on the Block, and It's Coming for You!
Garchomp LV.X (97/100) breaks all kinds of rules, but as it's one of the most powerful Pokémon out there, no one is stopping it! Its Dragon Pulse Poké-Power has the ability to damage all of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon when Garchomp comes into play. In addition to being able to use the regular Garchomp’s attacks, it has a no-cost Restore attack. Restore allows you to bring any 1 of your Pokémon back from the discard pile and put it directly into play—even a Stage 2. That Pokémon doesn’t come in empty-handed, either, as it gets up to 3 basic Energy cards from the discard pile as well. Garchomp LV.X is powerful and extremely useful in bringing back Pokémon that have been Knocked Out.

Latest News in Rock
Majestic Dawn introduces 3 new Fossils—Dome Fossil, Helix Fossil, and Old Amber. Dome Fossil (89/100) and Helix Fossil (91/100) offer speedy evolutions into their Stage 1 forms—just by attaching an Energy card! Old Amber (84/100) quickly evolves into Aerodactyl (15/100), whose Primal Claw Poké-Body puts 2 damage counters on your opponent’s Pokémon any time that Pokémon uses a Poké-Power. Get Aerodactyl out fast for some easy damage. Fossils offer a variety of strategies for your game—you'll want to check these out!

Energize Your Game!
Every deck uses Energy cards. Most often, these will be basic Energy cards to match the Pokémon types in the deck plus a couple of Special Energy cards. Majestic Dawn has new Special Energy cards that could go into any deck! Health Energy (94/100) and Recover Energy (96/100) offer recovery from damage and Special Conditions in addition to providing Colorless Energy. Perhaps even more sought-after will be Call Energy (92/100). Call Energy provides a Colorless Energy as well but also gives you the option of searching your deck for 2 Basic Pokémon, and putting them directly onto your Bench. Using this ability ends your turn, but it can easily set you up for the rest of the game!

Find these cards and more in theme decks and boosters of Diamond & Pearl—Majestic Dawn!

Source: https://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-tcg/majestic-dawn

Polar Frost / Forest Force Theme Decks

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Don't miss the power inside the Polar Frost theme deck because if there's a chill in the air, Glaceon must be right around the corner! When the Fresh Snow Pokémon puts on the freeze with its Icy Wind attack, it just might blast your opponent into deep hibernation! Plus, Jolteon charges in with a signature attack that rarely needs to hit twice—Lightning Strike! With a Polar Frost theme deck, not only do you shock the competition, you put it on ice!

In the Forest Force theme deck, Leafeon surrounds itself in fresh air with a trick that breathes new life into your game plans! Wrapping up the opponents with its Spiral Drain attack—squeezing tightly while regaining health—Leafeon will take roots and dominate the competition! And get ready for another health boost when Espeon raises the HP for Leafeon and itself with its Sunlight Veil Poké-Body! When you play with the Forest Force theme deck, you put the enduring power of nature in your corner!
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