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27 Nov 2007 01:28 PM
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{nl}Since 2001, a Pikachu balloon has been flown in the parade, demonstrating the popularity of Pokemon. The original Pikachu balloon was used from 2001 until 2005. Last year a Pikachu with Poke Ball balloon was introduced and the same balloon was used in the parade this year.{nl}


Parading Around

{nl}Usually there's a chill in the air, but last Thursday the signs of winter were nowhere to be found as the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade made its annual trip in New York City down the storied canyons of Boradway! The streets were lined with happy spectators and we were there too, to cheer on the Pikachu balloon as it made its way from the Upper West Side of Manhattan down to Macy's on 34th Street.{nl}

{nl}With a beautiful blue sky and temperatures in the high 50's, everyone was in good spirits, from the Broadway performers who danced in Heralds Square, to the clowns that waved to the crowds, to the balloon handlers that carried Pikachu and other characters through the air. The clear weather offered excellent views of all the balloons, and Pikachu certainly looked fantastic as it made its way past skyscrapers and trees, whether you were watching on television or in person. For those who may have missed it, we tooks lots of pictures for you to enjoy, and we hope to see you next year!{nl}
{nl}{nl}Source: http://www.pokemon.com