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16 Nov 2007 02:08 PM
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{nl}Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Time Expedition and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Darkness Expedition are a matched pair of Pokemon games for the Nintendo DS. The games are a sequel to Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and are currently only available in Japan. There is no release date for the games in other areas of the world yet.{nl}


Remaining three to be released in December

{nl}The Pokemon Daisuki Club has announced that the Wonder Mail for four of the seven hidden dungeons in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Time and Darkness Expeditions are available for download over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Three more will be released mid-December. Each of the hidden dungeons contain a special item which unlocks a corresponding legendary Pokemon not found in normal gameplay.{nl}

{nl}The seven legendary Pokemon are: Kyogre, Groudon, Articuno, Heatran, Giratina, Rayquaza and Mew. Additionally, there are some non-legendary Pokemon found only in those dungeons, such as the Ekans family, Ditto and the Treecko family. {nl}
{nl}{nl}Sources: http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/ & Pokemon Daisuki Club