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27 Aug 2024 11:01 AM
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Get ready, Trainers! More Pokémon first discovered in the Galar region are coming to Pokémon GO! Dynamax Pokémon are also making their Pokémon GO debuts! Let’s GO!

YouTube Clip - Max Out — A New Season Emerges in Pokémon GO

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-C6_3qGoOc

Welcome to Pokémon GO: Max Out

September 3, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. – December 3, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. local time

GO Out


Encounter Pokémon first discovered in the Galar region! More Pokémon originally discovered in the Galar region featured in the Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield games on Nintendo Switch have arrived in Pokémon GO! Keep an eye out for them—we might find even more throughout the Season! Also, for the first time in Pokémon GO, Trainers in the United Kingdom may encounter Stonjourner!

Max Out Special Research

Choose your Galarian partner Pokémon! A new Special Research story with branching paths will be available to Trainers! Throughout Pokémon GO: Max Out, you’ll be able to reach new heights with your chosen partner Pokémon. Depending on which partner Pokémon you choose, your Postcard Book background will change to celebrate your choice!

GO Big A Dynamax Debut


Breaking news: Dynamax Pokémon are emerging in Pokémon GO! Reports indicate that they are appearing at mysterious new Power Spots being discovered across the globe. Rally your friends to take on new Max Battles, catch these mighty Pokémon, and unlock the power of newly discovered Max Particles.

Sources say that starting in September, Trainers around the world will begin to uncover Power Spots on the in-game map. These Power Spots are believed to eventually contain Dynamax Pokémon that can be challenged in battle. Be sure to get a head start by scouting out these Power Spots and collecting Max Particles before embarking on your first series of Max Battles!

Prepare yourself for one of the biggest updates to Pokémon GO yet! Stay tuned for the latest research on Dynamax Pokémon, Max Battles, Power Spots, Max Particles, and more here.

Community Days

Mark your calendar! Max Out will have Community Day events on the following dates.

September Community Day - September 14th, 2024
October Community Day - October 5th, 2024
November Community Day - November 10th, 2024

Themed Stickers


You’ll be able to get themed stickers by spinning PokéStops, opening Gifts, and purchasing them from the in-game shop

GO Battle League


The GO Battle League returns as part of Max Out! Get your Pokémon ready to battle in competitions such as Master Premier, Halloween Cup, Willpower Cup, Great League: Remix, and more! Visit the GO Battle League web page for the schedule and more info!

Seasonal Rotations

Encounter Pokémon by completing the Research Breakthrough! Complete Field Research to unlock Research Breakthrough encounters with one of the following Pokémon.


Galarian Weezing Shiny Icon
Galarian Mr. Mime Shiny Icon
Scraggy Shiny Icon
Furfrou Shiny Icon
Jangmo-o Shiny Icon

Shiny Icon: If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!

Different Pokémon will appear in the wild!

As the Season changes, different Pokémon will appear in different areas across the world!


Cities: Gengar Shiny Icon, Skitty Shiny Icon, Beldum Shiny Icon, Scraggy Shiny Icon, Trubbish Shiny Icon, Furfrou Shiny Icon, Lechonk Shiny Icon, and more!


Forests: Exeggutor, Chansey Shiny Icon, Pinsir Shiny Icon, Hoppip Shiny Icon, Shroomish Shiny Icon, Emolga Shiny Icon, Grubbin Shiny Icon, and more!


Mountains: Onix Shiny Icon, Sudowoodo Shiny Icon, Sableye Shiny Icon, Aggron Shiny Icon, Boldore, Stunfisk Shiny Icon, Golett Shiny Icon, and more!


Beaches & Water: Kingler, Staryu Shiny Icon, Lapras Shiny Icon, Remoraid Shiny Icon, Ducklett Shiny Icon, Crabrawler Shiny Icon, Sandygast, and more!


Northern Hemisphere: Chikorita Shiny Icon, Cyndaquil Shiny Icon, Totodile Shiny Icon, Pineco Shiny Icon, Hisuian Qwilfish Shiny Icon, Larvitar Shiny Icon, Deerling (Autumn) and more!


Southern Hemisphere: Hisuian Voltorb Shiny Icon, Feebas Shiny Icon, Snivy Shiny Icon, Tepig Shiny Icon, Oshawott Shiny Icon, Deerling (Spring), Deino Shiny Icon, and more!

Shiny Icon: If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!

The following Pokémon will hatch from Eggs this Season!


2 km Eggs: Cleffa Shiny Icon, Igglybuff Shiny Icon, Tyrogue Shiny Icon, Wynaut Shiny Icon, Larvesta Shiny Icon, and more!


5 km Eggs: Larvesta (Spring), Deino Shiny Icon, Komala (Spring), Deino Shiny Icon, Grookey, Scorbunny, Sobble, and more!
Adventure Sync Rewards: Chingling Shiny Icon, Riolu Shiny Icon, Tyrunt Shiny Icon, Amaura Shiny Icon, Phantump Shiny Icon, and more!


7 km Eggs: Galarian Meowth Shiny Icon, Galarian Slowpoke Shiny Icon, Galarian Farfetch’d Shiny Icon, Galarian Zigzagoon Shiny Icon, Galarian Yamask Shiny Icon, and more!
7 km Eggs from Mateo’s Gift Exchange: Hisuian Growlithe Shiny Icon, Hisuian Sneasel Shiny Icon, Basculin (White-Stripe) Shiny Icon, Deino Shiny Icon, Pancham Shiny Icon, and more!


10 km Eggs: Druddigon Shiny Icon, Larvesta Shiny Icon, Dreepy, Charcadet, Frigibax, and more!
Adventure Sync Rewards: Dratini Shiny Icon, Rockruff Shiny Icon, Drampa Shiny Icon, Jangmo-o Shiny Icon, Frigibax and more!

Shiny Icon: If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!

Seasonal Bonuses

Max Out will feature the following bonuses all Season long!

Icon: Increased XP for a seven-day PokéStop spin streak
Icon: Increased XP and Stardust for a seven-day Pokémon catch streak
Icon: Increased XP from going up a Friendship level
Icon: One additional Candy when trading Pokémon
Icon: Trainers level 31 and above will receive one guaranteed Candy XL when trading Pokémon

Source: https://pokemongolive.com/seasons/max-out
Last edited 27 Aug 2024 11:18 AM by ForumBot