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27 Feb 2025 10:52 AM
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The General Producer of Pokémon Masters Tetsuya Iguchi, posted an open letter about the game on the Pokémon Master's official website. This time, they discuss details about its five-and-a-half-year anniversary.

A Message from the Pokémon Masters EX Team (Vol. 72)

Greetings, Trainers.
I’m Tetsuya Iguchi, general producer of Pokémon Masters EX, here with a new message for you. On February 27, 2025, Pokémon Masters EX will reach its five-and-a-half-year mark since launch! We’re incredibly grateful for your support.
We’re going to keep working hard to provide all you Trainers out there with even more exciting experiences unique to Pokémon Masters EX. Today, we’ll focus on details about events for the 5.5 Year Celebration and the new Sync Pairs that will debut.

Also, to celebrate the Pokémon Presents on February 27, 2025 at 6:00 a.m., 3,000 Gems will be sent to all players, so be sure to check it out.

Pokémon Masters EX 5.5 Year Celebration!

On February 27, 2025 at 10:00 p.m., an event in which Brendan and May become Pasio’s latest Neo Champions will begin, as well as an Extreme Battle Event! In addition, in honor of the 5.5 Year Celebration, a Log-in Bonus will begin, and Gems will go on sale!

Additionally, Brendan (Champion) & Groudon and May (Champion) & Kyogre will arrive as Master Fair-exclusive Sync Pairs, and their respective Pokémon will become Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre during battle!

On top of that, the new EX weather will be added to go along with the appearances of Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre! EX weather has more powerful effects than the regular weather conditions that have been available up to now, and it cannot be overwritten by regular weather conditions. (For example, EX rainy weather cannot be changed to sunny weather.)
However, if EX weather is active and you activate a regular weather condition of the same kind, you’ll extend that EX weather’s duration (except in certain circumstances). Moving forward, you’ll still be able to utilize regular weather conditions in battles as well, so try to make use of them all! Please note that Sync Pairs who can make EX weather are also planned to arrive in the future.


May (Champion) & Kyogre

May (Champion) & Kyogre are a Water-type Field Sync Pair. Their EX Role is Strike! Their Blue Power Awakening and Primordial Ocean of Myths Passive Skills make Kyogre become Primal Kyogre the first time they enter a battle, as well as make the weather EX rainy, raise their Sp. Atk by six stat ranks, and reduce the Sync Move countdown by three when Kyogre becomes Primal Kyogre.

Their Blue Origin Pulse Buddy Move can be activated when the weather becomes EX rainy. It’s extremely powerful and can attack all opponents, so make good use of it!

Because their Role is Field, once they’ve been raised to 6★ EX, they’ll make the weather rainy just before they use their Sync Move for the first time each battle. When this happens, if the weather is already EX rainy, then they can also extend the EX rainy weather’s duration.


Brendan (Champion) & Groudon

Brendan (Champion) & Groudon are a Ground-type Field Sync Pair. Their EX Role is Strike! Their Red Power Awakening and Desolate Land of Myths Passive Skills make Groudon become Primal Groudon the first time they enter a battle, as well as make the weather EX sunny, raise their Attack by six stat ranks, and reduce the Sync Move countdown by three when Groudon becomes Primal Groudon.

Because they don’t have any Fire-type moves, they don’t directly benefit from the weather being EX sunny, but when the weather is sunny or EX sunny, another one of their Passive Skills powers up all allies’ moves and Sync Moves, as well as Ground-type moves and Sync Moves, making this Sync Pair an incredible match for teams with both Fire-type and Ground-type allies.

As a Sync Pair with the Field Role, once they’ve been raised to 6★ EX, they’ll create a Ground Zone just before the first time they use their Sync Move each battle.


Additionally, Special Co-op Event Sky, Sea, and Land Challenge will begin on March 1, 2025 at 10:00 p.m.!

In this event, you can collect Proofs of Victory as completion rewards and exchange them in the item exchange for Move Candy Coins for each role, as well as other items. Also, Gym Missions will be available in the form of events, including both solo and group missions in which you collect Proofs of Victory.

You can earn Gems from the solo missions and Gym Scout Tickets from the group missions as rewards, so if you haven’t done so yet, take this chance to join a gym!

Other Events and Updates

The “One-Time-Only! 5.5 Year Celebration Master Fair Scout” will begin on February 27, 2025 at 10:00 p.m. This Sync Pair Scout ×11 requires 10,000 Gems to use, but it lets you team up with one of the featured Master Fair-exclusive Sync Pairs guaranteed.

This time, Leon & Charizard, Archie & Kyogre, and Maxie & Groudon will be featured. When this Sync Pair Scout begins, they’ll each receive powerful Sync Grid tiles for Master Fair-exclusive Sync Pairs, so be sure to check them out.

Scheduled for early March is the return of the event that depicted Archie and Maxie’s arrival on Pasio, as well as an Ultimate Battle addition, plus a High Score Event where the recommended types are Electric and Ground, so we hope you look forward to it all!

In addition, on February 25, 2025 at 10:00 p.m., an event began in which you can team up with three Sync Pairs to celebrate a special collaboration. Plus, a Sync Pair Scout featuring Hop & Zacian is also under way!

In this event, Iono & Kilowattrel, Steven & Skarmory, and Marnie & Liepard are Sync Pairs who will join you already at level 140, and you can get 5★ Custom Move Candies and Custom ★ Power-Ups to upgrade them, so be sure to take on the event if you haven’t yet!


Other App Updates for Late February - A New Guest Arrives in the Trainer Lodge

Starting February 28, 2025, you’ll be able to invite Brendan to the Trainer Lodge as a Guest! To invite Brendan, you’ll need to team up with Brendan & Treecko first. You can team up with Brendan & Treecko via various Sync Pair Scouts.


New Battles Added to Legendary Adventures

As we mentioned in our previous message, new battles called An Upgraded Trial! will be added to the Main Story’s Legendary Adventures on February 27, 2025!

In these battles, you can team up with Sync Pairs by progressing through each story, then get the Legendary Spirit and crystals needed to raise them to 6★ EX and upgrade them.
If you weren’t able to upgrade your Sync Pairs in past Villain Events, be sure to strengthen them here and take them into battle!

Future Plans

In our next update, we’ll release an event themed around a completely new approach to lore and storytelling, which we first mentioned in our message from the five-year anniversary! Detailed information will be available starting mid-March, so we hope you look forward to it!

What to Expect in the Next Message

Our next message is scheduled for late March. In it, we plan to share information about new Sync Pairs and events for April. We’re always working hard to deliver updates and improvements that make the world of Pokémon Masters EX as fun as possible. Until next time, thank you for playing Pokémon Masters EX.

General Producer: Tetsuya Iguchi

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Other_7010_5W_1