Title: Re: SL 81: セキエイスタジアム!VSヒロシ!/Sekiei Stadium! VS Hiroshi!/Frie...
Characters in episode: Ash, Brock, Misty, Ritchie, Togepi, Pikachu, Ritchie's Butterfree, Ritchie's Pikachu, Ritchie's Charmander, Joy, Joy's Chansey, Jessie, James, Meowth, Ash's Squirtle, Ash's Bulbasaur, James' Weezing, Oak, Delia, Ash's Pigeotto, Ash's Charizard,
Pokemon in Episode: Magikarp
Characters Pokemon Attacks:
- Ash's Squirtle - Water Gun
- Ash's Bulbasaur - Vine Whip
- Ash's Pikachu - Thunderbolt
- Ash's Pikachu - Double-Edge
- James' Weezing - Smog
- Ritchie's Butterfree - Sleep Powder
- Ritchie's Charmander - Flamethrower
- Ritchie's Charmander - Tackle
Who's that Pokemon: ENG: Aerodactyl JPN: Hiroshi's Pikachu (レオン) Leon
Location: Indigo Plateau / Pokemon League
Brief list of major episode highlights:
- Ash catches the A-3 Magicarp for the tournament selection which puts him up against Ritchie.
- Brock reads the computer screen and says Ritchie won all four of his previous rounds in the Indigo League without loosing one Pokemon.
- The judges determined that Ash forfeited the match by not showing up in time but Ritchie got the referee to delay for 10 minutes, long enough for Ash to show up.
- Ritchie's Butterfree defeats Ash's Squirtle.
- Ash's Pikachu defeats Ritchie's Butterfree.
- Ritchie's Charmander defeats Ash's Pikachu.
- Ritchie's Piakchu defeats Ash's Charizard as it refused to battle.
Team Rocket Balloon Enhancements? Grappling Hook
Number of Times Team Rocket Blasted off in the episode: 1
Did Team Rocket use a Mecha in the episode? No.
Last edited 10 Nov 2010 06:55 AM by