Pokémon Smash Episode 21,
Pull Yourself Together, Lisyan! / Game Designer Morimoto from Game Freak Invited to a Training Gathering! / A battle between Morimoto and Group Member Yamamoto!(シャンとしてリーシャン! / ゲームフリークの森本さん(ゲームデザイナー)をお迎えしてバトルの集中特訓!/森本さんと山本隊員がバトル!), aired on Sunday in Japan.
The announcer started off the show by reminding viewers of the 3rd Pokémon Library vote and showcased a few things that would be appearing later on the show. He then said "Let's kick off!" as the main portion of the show began. The episode began with the Pokémon Enterprise staff welcoming everyone with their 'PokéMorning!' slogan and Shoko-tan and Baba both sporting new hairdos. Shoko-tan then quickly reminded people of the Pokémon Library vote that took place earlier in the month. The episode that won the vote would be aired on today's episode of Pokémon Smash.

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Since Professor Red won the first two votes, he got to try to defend his winning streak. He chose
Already in a Daze with Muchul!! Do you like Superstar Pokémon? (ムチュールにもうむちゅう!!スーパースターはポケモンがおすき?). Up against Professor Red this time was Akiyama and he chose
Pull Yourself Together, Lisyan! (シャンとしてリーシャン!) from the
Diamond and Pearl series. Like the previous votes, viewers could vote for the episode on the official Pokémon Smash website. The tally was revealed by Shoko-tan. Akiyama won with 24,310 votes while Professor Red's winning streak came to an end as he received 17,720 votes.
Since Akiyama won the third Pokémon Library vote,
Pull Yourself Together, Lisyan! (シャンとしてリーシャン!) from the
Diamond and Pearl series was this weeks repeat episode. The theme for the episode this week was 'Everyone grows up when the time comes! '(時がくればだれでも成長できる!).
A full summary for that episode is available in the episode guide. After Shoko-tan's disasterous attempt to fill in for Red last week, he did his 'OK! Pokémon Library!' go-to line.
The Pokémon Enterprise staff hasn't done well in their Black and White viewer battles as Baba, Yamamoto, Shoko-tan and Professor Red have all had losses. Akiyama and Golgo are the only two staff members with victories. They are currently sporting a 2-4 (Wins/Losses) record and Golgo isn't impressed.

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Game Freak Game Designer Shigeki Morimoto was on the show today as a teacher to help tutor the staff in a game theory bootcamp. Shigeki Morimoto also appears in the new Black and White games in Hiun City where he will battle players. He spent the majority of the episode going through basic game procedures and quizing the staff members to see if they were learning.

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At the end of the show, the 4th Pokémon Library vote was announced. This time its between Shoko-tan and Baba. Baba chose
Rival Showdown! Getting Windie!( ライバル対決!ウインディをゲットかも!) while Shoko-tan chose
Attack! The Stray Manyula!!(襲撃!はぐれマニューラ!!) from the
Advanced Generation series. Viewers can
vote for their favourite episode on the official Pokémon Smash website until midnight on March 14th, 2011.
The Pokémon Smash March calendar was also posted on the official site. In the lastest movies, Satoshi and friends are each seen eating a food from the country or region that the movie is based off of. In the 13th movie, Satoshi ate Belgian Waffles. In
Pokémon Smash #11, Akiyama decided that in Movie 14 they should eat favoured shaved ice (カキ氷). He made a few bowls for them to try and then explains that the topings are dark and the ice that is white match the Black and White idea. Akiyama had put Molasses (brown sugar syrup 黒みつ) on Yamamoto's bowl and he put Soy Sauce (しょうゆ) on Baba's. The calendar is based off that scene.

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Characters and
Pictures from this episode have been added to the
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