Title: 7-Eleven - Pokémon-themed Store - Fuzhong, New Taipei, Taiwa...
A new news article has been posted!
7-Eleven opened a new location on January 31st, 2021 in
Fuzhong, New Taipei, Taiwan near the
Banqiao Fuzhong MRT Station. It is the highly awaited Pokémon-themed store for Pokémon Trainers. The whole store is designed with cute Pokémon and it looks like a Pokémon Center. It will also serve as an official Pokémon Game Gym location.
High resolution pictures of the store have been added to an Imageboard thread.
The first thing you see outside the store is the most popular Pokémon Pikachu, as well as the fire breathing Dragon Charizard, and Lapras. Follow Pikachu's footprints on the ground into the store and you'll find: