Title: Pokémon Legends: Arceus - Commercial and TikTok Videos Tie-i...
A tie-in between Pokémon and popular K-POP artist Itzy is confirmed! The group consists of members: Yeji, Lia, Ryujin, Chaeryeong, and Yuna. As the first part of the tie-in, starting February 9th, 2022, they'll be releasing a new commercial and TikTok videos of Pokémon Legends: Arceus starring Itzy so stay tuned!
The tie-in song is a mega hit song WANNABE that has surpassed 400 million views on YouTube.
Question and Answers Interview:
Q. Please tell us how you felt when the tie-in with Pokémon was confirmed. Yeji: Pokémon is something that many people know and I have loved since I was little. We were so happy to hear that we could do something together! Chaeryeong: I'm so happy to do a tie-in with Pokémon! It's a pleasure do it with them because they are characters I saw a lot when I was young! Yuna: I am really happy that the tie-in with Pokémon has been decided haha. We ask for a lot of anticipation and love for what we will show together with the Pokémon we love so much~
Q. What is your favorite Pokémon? Lia: I liked Snorlax! While filming this time, I fell in love with the charm of Eevee... hehe Chaeryeong: My favorite Pokémon is Eevee! It has pretty eyes!
Q. Do you have any memories related to Pokémon? Yeji: I've heard a few times that I resemble Eevee. Eevee is one of my favorite characters, so that felt good. Lia: When I was a kid, I sat in front of the TV every morning and watched Pokémon without skipping a day. It was my daily routine haha Ryujin: My parents scolded me for playing too long because it was so much fun when I was a kid.