The Pokémon Music Collective is a music project where artists from various genres create and release songs based on sounds from Pokémon game series. ENHYPEN released One and Only in July of 2023 as the second part of the project, and now they have released One and Only (PIKA PIKA Remix) and rele...
The Pokémon Music Collective is a music project where various artists create and release music based on the sounds of the Pokémon games. The third single of the collection is by Michael Kaneko and was released on August 2nd, 2023. It is titled 1999. The song was named "1999" after the year when ...
Korean KPOP group members Ni-ki, Jay, and Jungwon revealed during their live stream on June 29th, 2023 that ENHYPEN had collaborated with Pokémon to record a song and produce a music video. The Pokémon Company then announced on June 30th, 2023 that Pokémon x ENHYPEN One and Only would be release...
The Pokémon Music Collective, a music project that "brings new music to the world based on the sounds of the Pokémon series of games", has been announced. The first song, Sing (Utau うたう) by imase, will be released on September 14th, 2022. The song Utau is said to be based on imase's "love...