Title: Re: Pokémon Scarlet or Violet The Hidden Treasure of Area Ze...
This is annoying that they are releasing a physical copy without the second DLC on the cart. They did this with Mario Kart 8 Wave 6 DLC not on the cart as well. It's really annoying Nintendo. Wait until the games are complete before releasing DLC physical releases. I honestly wouldn't put it past them as a tactic to have low physical sales and push people even more towards digital. Physical collectors want complete games on cart and they won't pick this title up being incomplete.
Title: Re: 2023 Pokémon World Championships Closing Ceremonies Anno...
This is once again TPCi limiting the number of people that can visit the world championships in 2024. Hold the world championships in a city and venue capable of supporting visitors. The Comic-con's/PAX conventions are in locations capable of supporting large events.
The lottery process will be even worse for WCS2024. Not responding to media requests from major fansites is also a big issue with TCPi. They should be cooperating with fansites and inviting inclusion but holding the WCS2024 in Hawaii means only a select few rich people will be able to attend. Breeds exclusivity rather than being inclusive.
It's also tone deaf by going to hold the WCS in Hawaii after residents and government told people / tourists to not come there for awhile. It feels like a corporate retreat holiday rather than a world championships.
Title: Re: XY 11: 竹林の追跡!ヤンチャムとゴロンダ!!/Chikurin no tsuiseki! Yancham ...
TV Tokyo, XY Vol 2 Rental DVD and Amazon streaming all list Kiyotaka Furushima as Keromatsu in XY4. In XY12 and onward, Yūji Ueda is credited. It is unknown if there was a voice acting change or XY4 is just a miscredit that's never been fixed. Keromatsu's VA is therefore left unassigned for this episode.
Title: Re: Pokémon Center - Team Rocket HQ Apparel Collection
These clothes are way overpriced. The last couple months, there has been a noticeable decrease in quality from Pokémon Center and an increase in price. It looks like they took a $10 off the shelf Denver Hayes shirt, slapped a PC tag and TR badge on them. At $80 USD, I expect HQ embroidered logo, bare minimum. The scale of the R on the T-shirt looks way wrong. Way too big. A very sloppy merchandise line which seems to be intentional for maximum profit margins rather than releasing a quality product.
Posted by: Sunain on 18 Jan 2025 12:25:44 (No. 46387)
▲ And for some reason, she teams up with the Pokémon that resembles Purin to fight back against Idainakiba......!?
Posted by: Sunain on 18 Jan 2025 12:21:24 (No. 46386)
▲As they were fussing around, they encountered an enraged Paradox Pokémon, Idainakiba! A crazy turn of events!!
▲いつもの調子で大騒ぎしていると、怒り狂うパラドックスポケモン・イダイナキバに遭遇! オニヤバな展開に!!
Posted by: Sunain on 18 Jan 2025 12:15:44 (No. 46384)
▲ Sango and Onyx are following Liko and the others as they enter Area Zero. What did Sango just step on!?