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OP/ED: Only One Story
Only One Story
Title Only One Story
Song Only One Story
OPED Details:


Only One Story is the Japanese opening to the Pocket Monsters Rayquaza Rising chapter. It debuted in PM2024 68 and was first announced during the PV to promote the new chapter on September 27th, 2024. The new original Japanese song is sung by the 9-member global boys' group ZEROBASEONE, representing the hugely popular 5th generation of K-pop.


Variant 1: PM2023 68 to PM2023 73 - Seille, Briar, Sazare, Lucius' Basagiri

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Variant 2: PM2023 74 to PM2023 81 - Omodaka, Kiraflor, Entei, Suicune and Raikou, Lucius' Basagiri added to Six Heroes section.

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Variant 3: PM2023 82 - Lucius' Gouging Fire added to Six Heroes section.


Variant 4: PM2023 83 - The mountain that Rakua is located on is revealed. Scenes featuring Rystal, Lucius and Gibeon at Rakua were added as well as Liko looking at Rystal and Lucius beside Rakulium.

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Official Concept Art:

On December 26th, 2024, the official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted a tweet with concept art for Only One Story featuring Liko. The next day, on December 27th, 2024, pictures of Roy and Dot were posted. On December 28th, 2024, the key frame of Gibeon was posted. The Amethio and Soublades key frame was posted on December 29th, 2024.

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"No matter how many times you cry, you're you, so you'll be all right"
何回も泣いたって 君ならそう、大丈夫

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"The rainy days just continued on, and my cowardly heart no longer had room for searching for rainbows. That's how it always was."
雨の日ばかり続いていた もう弱虫な心じゃ 虹を探す余裕すらないままさ Always

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"It's precisely this blessing of energy transcending human understanding that holds the key to achieving the eternal"
この人智をこえた エネルギーの恵みこそが 永遠への可能性なのだ

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"I don't want to end up being nothing more than his grandchild. I want to live up to Gibeon-sama's expectations."
ただの孫で終わりたくない 俺は応えたい ギベオン様の期待に

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"The one who will reach Rakua alongside Gibeon-sama... is me."
ギベオン様とともに ラクアに辿り着くのは、わたしです 俺は応えたい ギベオン様の期待に

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"We are holding our own!"

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"Cap! You can keep going, can't you?"

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"Isn't that just the best?"

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"Let's hit it with everything we've got!"

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"And I... I want to protect it as well"
わたしも…わたしだって 守りたい!

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"I feel like we can go to the future we've been entrusted"
託された未来へ 行けそうな気がしてる

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"I promise you, I will live on together with Rakua, and we will definitely once more..."
約束だ ラクアと共に生きて、必ずもう一度、お前たちと…

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"Once you've taken one more step forward, keep on walking even farther"
ここから踏み出した一歩で 歩いて行くんだ もっと

YouTube Clip - Rayquaza Rising Opening Theme - Only One Story

Here's a video of the opening to the Pokémon Rayquaza Rising anime:
The opening theme for the new chapter is "Only One Story", sung by Zerobaseone! Among other things, the opening animation shows some characters that hold the key to the upcoming events in the story...?! Make sure to take a close look at all the little details!

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsBmIw4OuSs

YouTube Clip - Rayquaza Rising Opening Theme - Only One Story (Full Version)

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNoR45UFooE

Press Release - September 27th, 2024


"Only One Story", an original Japanese song released about 7 months after the group's Japanese debut in March 2024, is a pleasant and cheerful song of encouragement telling people that are setting off on an adventure that everything is going to be okay. It gives Pocket Monsters protagonists Liko and Roy the courage to be able to continue making progress alongside the companions and Pokémon they've met while creating their own unique story.

This very first anime tie-in song from ZEROBASEONE was released digitally October 11th, 2024, the same day Pocket Monsters Chapter 4, Rayquaza Rising, premieres. ZEROBASEONE was formed in April last year through the Korean audition show "Boys Planet", and is a 9-member group consisting of Sung Han Bin, Kim Ji Woong, Zhang Hao, Seok Matthew, Kim Tae Rae, Ricky, Kim Gyu Vin, Park Gun Wook and Han Yu Jin.

The members of the group were overjoyed as they told us "Pokémon is one of our favorite anime series, and we've been watching it since we were kids. We've always wanted to do an opening theme for it, so we're really happy for this opportunity!" They also said that "this is a really fun song everyone will be able to sing and dance to, so please enjoy it alongside the anime!"

A comment from ZEROBASEONE:
Pokémon is one of our favorite anime series, and we've been watching it since we were kids. We've always wanted to do an opening theme for it, so we're really happy for this opportunity! Only One Story's chorus is extremely catchy, and we don't think you'll be able to get it out of your heads once you hear it. The end of the chorus also has some really memorable lyrics that go "Nankai mo naitatte kimi nara so daijobu", so make sure to keep your attention on those as well. This is a really fun song everyone will be able to sing and dance to, so please enjoy it alongside the anime!

ポケモンは幼い頃から観てきた大好きなアニメですし、いつかオープニングテーマを担当してみたいと思っていたので、本当に嬉しかったです!「Only One Story 」はサビの部分がとてもキャッチーで、一度聴いたら耳から離れないメロディーになっていると思います。中でもサビの最後に「何回も泣いたって君ならそう大丈夫」という印象深い歌詞も出てくるので、ぜひ注目してください。みんなで歌って踊れるような楽しい楽曲なので、ぜひアニメと一緒に楽しんでください!

Comments from all the members of ZEROBASEONE:

The opening theme for the new chapter "Rayquaza Rising", which premieres on Friday, October 11th, 2024 will be... "Only One Story", sung by ZEROBASEONE.
We've received comments from all the members of ZEROBASEONE:

Ready...? D1, Be the ONE! Hello, we are ZEROBASEONE! It has been decided that our new song "Only One Story" is going to be an opening theme for the Pocket Monsters TV show. "Only One Story" is a song that contains our wish for everything to be all right for the protagonist Liko, and for her to be able to continue making progress alongside the companions and Pokémon she's met while creating her own unique story. The Pocket Monsters Rayquaza Rising TV show will premiere at 6:55pm Friday October 11th on the TV Tokyo Network! We're looking forward to this premiere as well. Make sure to watch it, okay? This has been ZEROBASEONE! Bye-bye!

AniPoke PR X - October 2nd, 2024
In this clip, we've asked Sung Han Bin about his favorite Pokémon! This highly anticipated song will premiere in the Pokémon anime episode airing Friday, October 11th, 2024! The full versions of these comment videos will be released one by one after the song is out.

Hello everyone! This is Sung Han Bin from ZEROBASEONE, who sing the opening theme "Only One Story" for the Pocket Monsters anime.
What is your favorite Pokémon?
I like Metamon a lot. I also really like Shaymin. This one time I was on a Japanese TV show I even showed off a Shaymin plushie!
Check out this highly anticipated song in its entirety in the episode airing Friday, October 11th, 2024!

AniPoke PR X - October 3rd, 2024
Today we asked Kim Ji Woong how he felt when he learned ZEROBASEONE had been chosen to handle the OP song! This highly anticipated song will premiere in the Pokémon anime episode airing Friday, October 11th, 2024! The full version of these comment videos will be released one by one after the song is out.

Hello everyone! This is Kim Ji Woong from ZEROBASEONE, who sing the opening theme "Only One Story" for the Pocket Monsters anime.
How did you feel when you learned you had been chosen to handle the opening theme?
I've gotten into watching anime lately, and I had also been wanting to sing an anime theme song as a member of ZEROBASEONE one day, so I think it's an honor to handle the opening theme this time.

AniPoke PR X - October 4th, 2024
Today we asked Zhang Hao how he felt when he learned ZEROBASEONE had been chosen to handle the OP song! This highly anticipated song will premiere in the Pokémon anime episode airing Friday October 11th! The full version of these comment videos will be released one by one after the song is out.

Hello everyone! This is Zhang Hao from ZEROBASEONE, who sing the opening theme "Only One Story" for the Pocket Monsters anime. How did you feel when you learned you had been chosen to handle the opening theme? This is an anime I've watched a lot ever since I was little, so I got very excited, and I'm sure everyone else did as well. I'm still extremely honored that I get to work with Pikachu, my number one favorite. I hope you're interested in the new Pokémon, and I hope you're interested in and will come to love ZEROBASEONE.

AniPoke PR X - October 5th, 2024
We present partial comments from the members of Zerobaseone, who are handling the new Pokémon Anime opening theme "Only One Story"! What are Seok Matthew's favorite Pokémon? This highly anticipated song will premiere in the Pokémon anime episode airing Friday October 11th! The full version of these comment videos will be released one by one after the song is out.

Hello everyone! This is Seok Matthew from Zerobaseone, who sing the opening theme "Only One Story" for the Pocket Monsters anime.
Do you have any favorite Pokémon?
The Pokémon I like the absolute best are Zenigame, Ordile and Lugia. I think it's super cool how, when Zenigame evolves into Kamex, it shoots water from its back like rockets! Lugia has this amazing aura to it, and Ordile was the strongest Pokémon I had in my party in the video game.

AniPoke PR X - October 6th, 2024
Today we have Kim Tae Rae! How did he feel when he learned Zerobaseone had been chosen to handle the OP theme...? This highly anticipated song will premiere in the Pokémon anime episode airing Friday October 11th! The full version of these comment videos will be released one by one after the song is out.

Hello everyone! This is Kim Tae Rae from Zerobaseone, who sing the opening theme "Only One Story" for the Pocket Monsters anime.
How did you feel when you learned you had been chosen to handle the opening theme?
The fact that I'd be handling the opening theme for the Pocket Monsters anime, which I've been watching since I was little, initially made me a bit worried about whether or not I'd be able to do a good job, but I ultimately did it, firmly believing this was something I was capable of.

AniPoke PR X - October 7th, 2024
In this clip, we've asked Ricky about his favorite Pokémon! This highly anticipated song will premiere in the Pokémon anime episode airing Friday October 11th! The full versions of these comment videos will be released one by one after the song is out.

Hello everyone! This is Ricky from Zerobaseone, who sing the opening theme "Only One Story" for the Pocket Monsters anime.
What are your favorite Pokémon?
My favorite Pokémon are Pikachu and Lizardon. In my opinion, they're the best Pokémon.

AniPoke PR X - October 8th, 2024
Today we asked Kim Gyu Vin how he felt when he learned Zerobaseone had been chosen to handle the OP song! This highly anticipated song will premiere in the Pokémon anime episode airing Friday October 11th! The full version of these comment videos will be released one by one after the song is out.

Hello everyone! This is Kim Gyu Vin from Zerobaseone, who sing the opening theme "Only One Story" for the Pocket Monsters anime.
How did you feel when you learned you had been chosen to handle the opening theme?
Honto ni ureshii desu. I've also been a huge fan of this Japanese cartoon since I was little, so it made me really happy to do an opening theme for it. I also like the song "Only One Story", so this is all really great.

AniPoke PR X - October 9th, 2024
We present partial comments from the members of Zerobaseone, who are handling the new Pokémon Anime opening theme "Only One Story"! What Pokémon would Park Gun Wook want to be? This highly anticipated song will premiere in the Pokémon anime episode airing Friday October 11th! The full version of these comment videos will be released one by one after the song is out.

Hello everyone! This is Park Gun Wook from Zerobaseone, who sing the opening theme "Only One Story" for the Pocket Monsters anime.
If you could become a Pokémon, which Pokémon would you want to be?
I'd like to become a Pokémon that can fly, especially a Lizardon. Then I'd go to a place where they gather to train, train a lot, and become a leader of many Lizardon!

AniPoke PR X - October 10th, 2024
We present partial comments from the members of Zerobaseone, who are handling the new Pokémon Anime opening theme "Only One Story"! What Pokémon would Han Yu Jin want to be? This highly anticipated song will premiere in the Pokémon anime episode airing Friday October 11th! The full version of these comment videos will be released one by one after the song is out.

Hello everyone! This is Han Yu Jin from Zerobaseone, who sing the opening theme "Only One Story" for the Pocket Monsters anime.
Q: If you could become a Pokémon, which Pokémon would you want to be?
(thinks...) (tries to recall the Pokémon's name...) Arceus! I'd like to be Arceus, since that's the strongest Pokémon of them all, and it's really mysterious.

AniPoke PR X - October 11th, 2024
The new opening theme "Only One Story" premiered in episode 68 of the Pokémon anime! We'll now bring you comment videos from the members of Zerobaseone, who are handling the song! First up is Sung Han Bin, who apparently has some favorite Pokémon! Comments from Kim Ji Woong are scheduled for release tomorrow.

Hello everyone! This is Sung Han Bin from Zerobaseone, who sing the opening theme "Only One Story" for the Pocket Monsters anime.
What is your favorite Pokémon?
I like Metamon a lot. I also really like Shaymin. This one time I was on a Japanese TV show I even showed off a Shaymin plushie!
If you could become a Pokémon, which Pokémon would you want to be?
I've always loved Darkrai ever since I was little. I really like that dark dark air it has to it, it's really cool, so I'd like to become a Darkrai.
What memories do you have of Pokémon?
I used to play the Pokémon video games a lot when I was little. However, there was this one time I accidentally reset the game... It was just as Moukazaru was about to become its final form Goukazaru too, so I got really sad...
You brought your own Pokémon Gym badges with you, can you tell us something about those?
I enjoyed collecting Pokémon badges ever since I was little and used to spend a lot of time on it, so I bought these because I wanted to relive those memories.
And finally, a word to your fans?
Hi, everyone in Zerose and all you Pokémon anime fans! Zerobaseone will be singing the Pocket Monsters anime opening theme Only One Story. We're all big Pokémon fans, and I hope we manage to get that across to you. I love you!
The Pocket Monsters anime airs every Friday at 6:55pm on the TV Tokyo Network. Make sure to watch it! Bye-bye!

AniPoke PR X - October 11th, 2024
To commemorate the premiere of the new Pokémon anime opening theme Only One Story, we give you some special candid photos of Sung Han Bin from Zerobaseone and Hogator!

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AniPoke PR X - October 11th, 2024
To commemorate the premiere of the new Pokémon anime opening theme Only One Story, we give you some special candid photos of Kim Ji Woong from Zerobaseone and Nyahoja! The full version of his comment video is scheduled to be released at 20:00 today.

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AniPoke PR X - October 12th, 2024
Presenting points of interest from the new Pokémon anime opening:
First and foremost, the opening shows Seille and Yabasocha, followed by Briar, and then by Sazare and Gardie (Hisui Form). What kind of role will they play in the upcoming events? Check out the creditless version of the new opening right away:

アニポケ 新オープニング公開

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AniPoke PR X - October 12th, 2024
The new opening theme "Only One Story" premiered in episode 68 of the Pokémon anime! We'll now bring you comment videos from the members of Zerobaseone, who are handling the song! Today we have Kim Ji Woong; How did he feel when he learned they had been chosen to handle the opening theme? Comments from Zhang Hao are scheduled for release tomorrow.

Hello everyone! This is Kim Ji Woong from Zerobaseone, who sing the opening theme "Only One Story" for the Pocket Monsters anime.
What is your favorite Pokémon?
My favorite Pokémon is the new Pokémon Nyahoja. I also like Pikachu a lot!
What do you like about them?
I really envy the way Pikachu can use electric moves; When I was little, that was the superpower I really wished I had. I also love how cute its "Pika pika" cry is. As for Nyahoja, I just did a dance challenge video with it that made me fall completely in love with it.
How did you feel when you learned you had been chosen to handle the opening theme?
I've gotten into watching anime lately, and I've also wanted to sing an anime theme song as a member of Zerobaseone one day, so I think it's an honor to handle the opening theme this time.
And finally, a word to your fans?
We've always tried presenting ourselves as handsome and cute, but this time I believe we're showing a new side of ourselves. I think that's really exciting, and I can't wait for everyone in Zerose to see it. I gave it my absolute best when I sang Only One Story, and I befriended some really cute Pokémon. I hope we can continue to spend our days happily together. I love you.
The Pocket Monsters anime airs every Friday at 6:55pm on the TV Tokyo Network. Make sure to watch it! Bye-bye!

AniPoke PR X - October 13th, 2024
To commemorate the premiere of the new Pokémon anime opening theme Only One Story, we give you some special candid photos of Zhang Hao from Zerobaseone and Captain Pikachu! The full version of his comment video is scheduled to be released at 20:00 today.

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AniPoke PR X - October 13th, 2024
Presenting points of interest from the new Pokémon anime opening:
We also get to see Gibeon, the man holding the top position in the Explorers. In his hand, he holds the mysterious substance referred to as Rakulium (the Eternal Blessing). In addition, there's a scene where Liko and the others stand off against the White Zygarde (50% Forme).
Check out the creditless version of the new opening right away.

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AniPoke PR X - October 13th, 2024
The new opening theme "Only One Story" premiered in episode 68 of the Pokémon anime! We'll now bring you comment videos from the members of Zerobaseone, who are handling the song! We asked Zhang Hao what he feels we should focus on when listening to the song. Comments from Seok Matthew are scheduled for release tomorrow!

Hello everyone! This is Zhang Hao from Zerobaseone, who sing the opening theme "Only One Story" for the Pocket Monsters anime.
How did you feel when you learned you had been chosen to handle the opening theme?
This is an anime I've watched a lot ever since I was little, so I got very excited, and I'm sure everyone else did as well. I'm still extremely honored that I get to work with Pikachu, my number one favorite. I hope you're interested in the new Pokémon, and I hope you're interested in and will come to love Zerobaseone.
Were there any parts of the song you found particularly difficult or particularly fun to record? I was struggling a lot with getting the pronunciation right. I've sung a lot of songs in Korean at this point, but since this song is in Japanese, I was very concious of the pronuncation while recording. I asked the directors for a lot of help with it, though, so I think I managed to do pretty okay. I also spent a lot of time trying to hit the really high notes with my natural voice, and I'm quite satified with how the end result turned out in that regard.
Is there anything in this song you want us to focus particularly on?
There's this bit in the song where the lyrics go "Dokidokidoki my way". The tempo noticably increases at this point, and I think that will make the listeners feel "dokidoki" as well when they hear this bit. That bit also has a lot of positive energy to it, so I want you to listen to it over and over as you keep all of this in mind.
And finally, a word to your fans?
I hope both Pokémon fans and Zerobaseone fans will enjoy this song. We're going to be quite active in Japan from here on, so I also hope you'll support us in that regard. We'll continue to improve ourselves as best as we can. Nihon no fan no minasan, honto ni ganbatte shita no de, oen shitekudasai. Motto motto aimasho.
The Pocket Monsters anime airs every Friday at 6:55pm on the TV Tokyo Network. Make sure to watch it! Bye-bye!

AniPoke PR X - October 14th, 2024
To commemorate the premiere of the new Pokémon anime opening theme Only One Story, we give you some special candid photos of Seok Matthew from Zerobaseone and Captain Pikachu! The full version of his comment video is scheduled to be released at 20:00 today.

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AniPoke PR X - October 14th, 2024
The new opening theme "Only One Story" premiered in episode 68 of the Pokémon anime! We'll now bring you comment videos from the members of Zerobaseone, who are handling the song! What are Pokémon fan Seok Matthew's personal memories of Pokémon? Comments from Kim Tae Rae are scheduled for release tomorrow!

Hello everyone! This is Seok Matthew from Zerobaseone, who sing the opening theme "Only One Story" for the Pocket Monsters anime.
Do you have any favorite Pokémon?
The Pokémon I like the absolute best are Zenigame, Ordile and Lugia. I think it's super cool how, when Zenigame evolves into Kamex, it shoots water from its back like rockets! Lugia has this amazing aura to it, and Ordile was the strongest Pokémon I had in my party in the video game.
If you could become a Pokémon, which Pokémon would you want to be?
That's a tough one... I'll say Dialga, because it can control time.
What memories do you have of Pokémon?
I have a lot, I've played all the video games at this point! I particularly like the game with Lugia, "Pocket Monsters Soul Silver"; The Nintendo 3DS got released around Christmas, and back then I was sure nobody would buy me one, but my dad got me one after all alongside a Pocket Monsters Soul Silver game. That game made me so happy I played it from morning to night and finished the entire thing in one day.
And finally, a word to your fans?
Zerose and all you Pokémon fans, I myself can't believe this wonderful collaboration is actually happening either. I hope you'll watch our song and the Pokémon anime a lot. I myself love Pokémon a lot as well, and I hope we can love Zerobaseone and the Pokémon anime together from here on. This will be a wonderful memory for us. Please give us lots of your love.
The Pocket Monsters anime airs every Friday at 6:55pm on the TV Tokyo Network. Make sure to watch it! Bye-bye!

AniPoke PR X - October 15th, 2024
The New Pokémon Anime Opening Theme:
This Week Only's One Story: The opening animation ends with a commemorative photo taken at Orange Academy! This photo is actually going to change every week, so make sure to check what memories are on display this time whenever you watch a new episode!


AniPoke PR X - October 15th, 2024
To commemorate the premiere of the new Pokémon anime opening theme Only One Story, we give you some special candid photos of Kim Tae Rae from Zerobaseone and Hogator! The full version of his comment video is scheduled to be released at 20:00 today.

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AniPoke PR X - October 15th, 2024
The new opening theme "Only One Story" premiered in episode 68 of the Pokémon anime! We'll now bring you comment videos from the members of Zerobaseone, who are handling the song! This time we asked Kim Tae Rae what he feels we should focus on when listening to the song. Comments from Ricky are scheduled for release tomorrow!

Hello everyone! This is Kim Tae Rae from Zerobaseone, who sing the opening theme "Only One Story" for the Pocket Monsters anime.
If you could become a Pokémon, which Pokémon would you want to be?
I... would like to become a Fushigibana and make flowers bloom.
How did you feel when you learned you had been chosen to handle the opening theme?
The fact that I'd be handling the opening theme for the Pocket Monsters anime, which I've been watching since I was little, initially made me a bit worried about whether or not I'd be able to do a good job, but I ultimately did it, firmly believing this was something I was capable of.
Is there anything in the opening theme you want people to listen especially closely to, like a specific part of the lyrics or the melody?
The chorus. There's a bit there where we sing while dancing, it's really fun and builds a lot of excitement. I hope you'll all share that fun and excitement with us.
And finally, a word to your fans?
This time around Zerobaseone got to take part in a Pokémon opening theme. It's a really fun and interesting song, so I hope you'll give both Pokémon and us in Zerobaseone your love as you sing, dance, and enjoy it with us!
The Pocket Monsters anime airs every Friday at 6:55pm on the TV Tokyo Network. Make sure to watch it! Bye-bye!

AniPoke PR X - October 16th, 2024
To commemorate the premiere of the new Pokémon anime opening theme Only One Story, we give you some special candid photos of Ricky from Zerobaseone, Kuwassu and Pikachu! The full version of his comment video is scheduled to be released at 20:00 today.

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AniPoke PR X - October 16th, 2024
The new opening theme "Only One Story" premiered in episode 68 of the Pokémon anime! We'll now bring you comment videos from the members of Zerobaseone, who are handling the song! What are Ricky's favorite Pokémon? Comments from Kim Gyu Vin are scheduled for release tomorrow!

Hello everyone! This is Ricky from Zerobaseone, who sing the opening theme "Only One Story" for the Pocket Monsters anime.
What are your favorite Pokémon?
My favorite Pokémon are Pikachu and Lizardon. In my opinion, they're the best Pokémon.
How did you feel when you learned you had been chosen to handle the opening theme?
At first I couldn't believe it was true. This is an anime I've watched a lot ever since I was little, and it's extremely popular as well. This truly is an honor.
What parts of this opening theme do you want people to listen to the most?
The part I want people to listen to the most is the chorus. It has some really catchy phrases in it that you'll never forget once you hear them. The bit at the end of the chorus where the lyrics go "daijobu" I think is particularly memorable. I danced to that part for my dance challenge, so it's competely stuck in my head now.
And finally, a word to your fans?
Zerose, I think a lot of you have always been fans of Pokémon, so I hope you'll feel compelled to join us in watching this new chapter as well. And Pocket Monsters anime fans, I hope watching the anime will make you get to know our voices and listen to our songs.
The Pocket Monsters anime airs every Friday at 6:55pm on the TV Tokyo Network. Make sure to watch it! Bye-bye!

AniPoke PR X - October 17th, 2024
To commemorate the premiere of the new Pokémon anime opening theme Only One Story, we give you some special candid photos of Kim Gyu Vin from Zerobaseone and Captain Pikachu! The full version of his comment video is scheduled to be released at 20:00 today.

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AniPoke PR X - October 17th, 2024
The new opening theme "Only One Story" premiered in episode 68 of the Pokémon anime! We'll now bring you comment videos from the members of Zerobaseone, who are handling the song! This time we asked Kim Gyu Vin what he feels we should focus on when listening to the song. Comments from Park Gun Wook are scheduled for release tomorrow!

Hello everyone! This is Kim Gyu Vin from Zerobaseone, who sing the opening theme "Only One Story" for the Pocket Monsters anime.
How did you feel when you learned you had been chosen to handle the opening theme?
Honto ni ureshii desu. I've also been a huge fan of this Japanese cartoon since I was little, so it made me really happy to do an opening theme for it. I also like the song "Only One Story", so this is all really great.
Is there anything in this song you want us to focus particularly on?
My favorite bit is the very last part of the chorus. My Japanese is still a bit awkward, but... it's the part that goes "nankai mo naitatte kimi nara so daijobu". I think the lyrics here, along with the melody, really get stuck in your head.
And finally, a word to your fans?
Pokémon anime fans, now that we've shown you another side of Zerobaseone, I hope you'll continue to follow us from here on. And Zerose, now that we've done a Pokémon theme song, I hope you'll become more interested in the Pokémon anime. I will continue to seize such wonderful opportunities as this.
The Pocket Monsters anime airs every Friday at 6:55pm on the TV Tokyo Network. Make sure to watch it! Bye-bye!

AniPoke PR X - October 18th, 2024
To commemorate the premiere of the new Pokémon anime opening theme Only One Story, we give you some special candid photos of Park Gun Wook from Zerobaseone, Nyahoja and Pikachu! The full version of his comment video is scheduled to be released at 20:00 today.

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AniPoke PR X - October 18th, 2024
The new opening theme "Only One Story" premiered in episode 68 of the Pokémon anime! We'll now bring you comment videos from the members of Zerobaseone, who are handling the song! What Pokémon would Park Gun Wook want to be? Comments from Han Yu Jin are scheduled for release tomorrow!

Hello everyone! This is Park Gun Wook from Zerobaseone, who sing the opening theme "Only One Story" for the Pocket Monsters anime.
Do you have any favorite Pokémon?
Yes, I've always liked strong Pokémon like Palkia and Darkrai. Initially I had Zenigame and Fushigidane as my favorites due to fans saying they resembled me.
If you could become a Pokémon, which Pokémon would you want to be?
I'd like to become a Pokémon that can fly, especially a Lizardon. Then I'd go to a place where they gather to train, train a lot, and become a leader of many Lizardon!
Were there any parts of the song you found particularly difficult or particularly fun to record?
The most difficult part was that the song as a whole was a bit too high-pitched for someone my age to sing. I think this was because they had the children that would be watching the anime in mind, but it was rather hard to hit those tones. The most fun part was thinking about how this was going to be a Pokémon opening while recording; I've watched Pokémon ever since I was little, so I kept imagining various scenes in my head and such as I was singing.
And finally, a word to your fans?
Zerose, I'm sure you were all both surprised and happy when you learned we would be singing an opening theme for the Pocket Monsters anime. We will do our utmost to live up to your expectations, and we hope you'll listen to the song a lot. And Pokémon fans, I hope you will get to know the Zerobaseone group through this song and give both us and Pokémon lots of love in the future. Please root for us.
The Pocket Monsters anime airs every Friday at 6:55pm on the TV Tokyo Network. Make sure to watch it! Bye-bye!

AniPoke PR X - October 19th, 2024
To commemorate the premiere of the new Pokémon anime opening theme Only One Story, we give you some special candid photos of Han Yu Jin from Zerobaseone and Kuwassu! The full version of his comment video is scheduled to be released at 20:00 today.

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AniPoke PR X - October 19th, 2024
The new opening theme "Only One Story" premiered in episode 68 of the Pokémon anime! We'll now bring you comment videos from the members of Zerobaseone, who are handling the song! The final comments come from Han Yu Jin. Make sure to use the Youtube upload of the most recent episode to listen to the opening theme over and over!

Hello everyone! This is Han Yu Jin from Zerobaseone, who sing the opening theme "Only One Story" for the Pocket Monsters anime.
If you could become a Pokémon, which Pokémon would you want to be?
(thinks...) (tries to recall the Pokémon's name...) Arceus! I'd like to be Arceus, since that's the strongest Pokémon of them all, and it's really mysterious.
Was there anything you particularly enjoyed about recording the song?
I particularly enjoyed coming to Japan. Just the act of recording a song directly in Japanese in and of itself was very fun.
What parts of this song do you really want people to listen to?
The chorus has some choreography associated with it. This choreography is really fun, so I hope you'll all dance along to it with me.
And finally, a word to your fans?
Zerose, it made us really happy that we got to work on an opening theme to the Pokémon anime, and it would make us even happier if you were to listen to it a lot. This is a really good song, so we hope you'll do just that. And Pokémon anime fans, we hope you'll listen to our opening theme a lot as well. I myself have watched the Pocket Monsters anime ever since I was little, and I believe that helped me sing the song well. Please give it a listen.
The Pocket Monsters anime airs every Friday at 6:55pm on the TV Tokyo Network. Make sure to watch it! Bye-bye!

YouTube Clip - ZEROBASEONE Only One Story Dance Practice (Fix ver.)

ZEROBASEONE posted a Dance Practice version of Only One Story on their YouTube channel on December 24th, 2024.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGtonJjW6wk


ZEROBASEONE posted a video of their peformance of Only One Story from the 2024 ZEROBASEONE THE FIRST TOUR [TIMELESS WORLD] IN JAPAN on their YouTube channel on December 25th, 2024.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CmLWmUC49A

PokéDoko 150 - March 2nd, 2025

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The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account teased that ZEROBASEONE would be on PokéDoko with a picture with Abareru-kun and Ryogo Matsumaru on February 8th, 2025. Then on February 22nd, 2025, they announced that they'd be on the show to sing the opening theme.

Certain shocking guests will appear on PokéDoko?! It's someone connected to the Pokémon anime...!
ポケどこにびっくりなゲストが登場!? アニポケ に関わるあの人たちです…!

The PokéDoko episode airing Sunday March 2nd, 2025 will feature ZEROBASEONE, who sing the Pokémon anime opening theme! Look forward to this episode! The preview for it will be shown on the PokéDoko episode airing Sunday, February 23rd, 2025!
3月2日(日)放送のポケどこにはアニポケ オープニングテーマを歌うZEROBASEONE(@ZB1_jp)が登場

Lyrics Video


A series of 7 videos focusing on the lyrics to the theme songs that had been adding color to the 2023 Pokémon anime were published. This was the 7th video which was released March 27th, 2025!

"Nankai mo naitatte kimi nara so, daijobu!"
No. 7, the OP to the Pocket Monsters Rayquaza Rising anime:
"Only One Story" by ZEROBASEONE
Lyrics: Tomoki Tamatani, KUSHITA
Composition: Tomoki Tamatani, KUSHITA, Sora Tansho
Arrangement: Sora Tansho
Stream/download link: https://ZB1.lnk.to/OnlyOneStory
CD: https://zb1.lnk.to/4Rv9Ti

This video will only be available until Thursday, April 3rd, 2025! (it will still be available on the official Pokémon Youtube channel after that)


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nemona
  • Japan ネモ
  • Japan Nemo
  • Japan Nemo
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Penny
  • Japan ボタン
  • Japan Botan
  • Japan Botan
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Geeta
  • Japan オモダカ
  • Japan Omodaka
  • Japan Omodaka
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Liko
  • Japan リコ
  • Japan Liko
  • Japan Liko
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Roy
  • Japan ロイ
  • Japan Roy
  • Japan Roy
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Friede
  • Japan フリード
  • Japan Friede
  • Japan Friede
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Friede's Pikachu (Cap)
  • Japan フリードのピカチュウ (キャプテンピカチュウ)
  • Japan Friede no Pikachu (Captain Pikachu)
  • Japan Friede's Pikachu (Captain Pikachu)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Carmine
  • Japan ゼイユ
  • Japan Seille
  • Japan Seille
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Orla
  • Japan オリオ
  • Japan Orio
  • Japan Orio
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Murdock
  • Japan マードック
  • Japan Murdock
  • Japan Murdock
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Mollie
  • Japan モリー
  • Japan Molly
  • Japan Molly
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ludlow
  • Japan ランドウ
  • Japan Randou
  • Japan Randou
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Amethio
  • Japan アメジオ
  • Japan Amethio
  • Japan Amethio
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Liko's Sprigatito
  • Japan リコのニャオハ
  • Japan Liko no Nyahoja
  • Japan Liko's Nyahoja
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ann
  • Japan アン
  • Japan Anne
  • Japan Anne
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dot's Quaxly
  • Japan ドットのクワッス
  • Japan Dot no Kuwassu
  • Japan Dot's Kuwassu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Roy's Fuecoco
  • Japan ロイのホゲータ
  • Japan Roy no Hogator
  • Japan Roy's Hogator
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Murdock's Rockruff
  • Japan マードックのイワンコ
  • Japan Murdock no Iwanko
  • Japan Murdock's Iwanko
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Friede's Charizard
  • Japan フリード博士のリザードン
  • Japan Friede-hakase no Lizardon
  • Japan Friede's Lizardon
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Mollie's Chansey
  • Japan モリーのラッキー
  • Japan Morī no Lucky
  • Japan Molly's Lucky
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Orla's Metagross
  • Japan オリオのメタグロス
  • Japan Orio no Metagross
  • Japan Orio's Metagross
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Murdock's Alcremie
  • Japan マードックのマホイップ
  • Japan Murdock no Mawhip
  • Japan Murdock's Mawhip
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Orla's Elekid
  • Japan オリオのエレキッド
  • Japan Orio no Elekid
  • Japan Orio's Elekid
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Black Rayquaza
  • Japan 黒いレックウザ
  • Japan Kuroi Rayquaza
  • Japan Black Rayquaza
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Gibeon
  • Japan ギベオン
  • Japan Gibeon
  • Japan Gibeon
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Spinel
  • Japan スピネル
  • Japan Spinel
  • Japan Spinel
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dot
  • Japan ドット
  • Japan Dot
  • Japan Dot
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Spinel's Umbreon
  • Japan スピネルのブラッキー
  • Japan Spinel no Blacky
  • Japan Spinel's Blacky
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ludlow's Quagsire
  • Japan ランドウのヌオー
  • Japan Randou no Nuoh
  • Japan Randou's Nuoh
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Lucius
  • Japan ルシアス
  • Japan Lucius
  • Japan Lucius
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Sidian
  • Japan オニキス
  • Japan Onyx
  • Japan Onyx
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Chalce
  • Japan アゲート
  • Japan Agate
  • Japan Agate
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Coral
  • Japan サンゴ
  • Japan Sango
  • Japan Sango
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Lucius' Arboliva
  • Japan ルシアス‎のオリーヴァ
  • Japan Lucius no Oliva
  • Japan Lucius' Oliva
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Perrin
  • Japan サザレ
  • Japan Sazare
  • Japan Sazare
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Briar
  • Japan ブライア
  • Japan Briar
  • Japan Briar
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Lucius' Moltres
  • Japan ルシアス‎のファイヤー (ガラルのすがた)
  • Japan Lucius no Fire (Galar no sugata)
  • Japan Lucius' Fire (Galar Form)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Terapagos
  • Japan テラパゴス (パゴゴ)
  • Japan Terapagos (Pagogo)
  • Japan Terapagos (Pagogo)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Coral's Glalie
  • Japan サンゴのオニゴーリ
  • Japan Sango no Onigohri
  • Japan Sango's Onigohri
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Sidian's Garganacl
  • Japan オニキスのキョジオーン
  • Japan Onyx no Kyojiohn
  • Japan Onyx's Kyojiohn
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Lucius' Kleavor
  • Japan ルシアス‎のバサギリ
  • Japan Lucius no Basagiri
  • Japan Lucius' Basagiri
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Lucius' Lapras
  • Japan ルシアス‎のラプラス
  • Japan Lucius no Laplace
  • Japan Lucius' Laplace
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Chalce's Medicham
  • Japan アゲートのチャーレム
  • Japan Agate no Charem
  • Japan Agate's Charem
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dot's Tinkatink
  • Japan ドットのカヌチャン
  • Japan Dot no Kanuchan
  • Japan Dot's Kanuchan
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Liko's Floragato
  • Japan リコのニャローテ
  • Japan Liko no Nyarote
  • Japan Liko's Nyarote
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ann's Dewott
  • Japan アンのフタチマル
  • Japan Anne no Futachimaru
  • Japan Anne's Futachimaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nemona's Pawmot
  • Japan ネモのパーモット
  • Japan Nemo no Parmot
  • Japan Nemo's Parmot
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Roy's Kilowattrel
  • Japan ロイのタイカイデン
  • Japan Roy no Taikaiden
  • Japan Roy's Taikaiden
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Liko's Hattrem
  • Japan リコのテブリム
  • Japan Liko no Tebrim
  • Japan Liko's Tebrim
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan ギベオンのジガルデ (白いジガルデ)
  • Japan Gibeon no Zygarde (White Zygarde)
  • Japan Gibeon's Zygarde (White Zygarde)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dot's Quaxwell
  • Japan ドットのウェルカモ
  • Japan Dot no Welkamo
  • Japan Dot's Welkamo
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Roy's Crocalor
  • Japan ロイのアチゲータ
  • Japan Roy no Achigator
  • Japan Roy's Achigator
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Perrin's Growlithe
  • Japan サザレのガーディ
  • Japan Sazare no Gardie
  • Japan Sazare's Gardie
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Carmine's Sinistcha
  • Japan ゼイユのヤバソチャ
  • Japan Seille no Yabasocha
  • Japan Seille's Yabasocha
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dot's Tinkatuff
  • Japan ドットのナカヌチャン
  • Japan Dot no Nakanuchan
  • Japan Dot's Nakanuchan
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan リスタル
  • Japan Rystal
  • Japan Rystal
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Geeta's Glimmora
  • Japan オモダカのキラフロル
  • Japan Omodaka no Kiraflor
  • Japan Omodaka's Kiraflor
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Lucius' Gouging Fire
  • Japan ルシアスのウガツホムラ
  • Japan Lucius no Ugatsuhomura
  • Japan Lucius' Ugatsuhomura
Unit Director
Design Assistance
Key Animation
2nd Key Animation
In-Between Animation Check
In-Between Animation
Color Script
Color Keys
Color Coordination
CGI Director
Telop Design
Production Assistant