Hideyuki Umezu is a Japanese voice actor that is affiliated with the talent agency
81PRODUCE. His Facebook account is:
On May 21st, 2024, 81PRODUCE announced on their front page that Hideyuki Umezu had died of interstitial pneumonia. His funeral ceremony was held only for his relatives.
【訃報】弊社所属俳優 梅津秀行 儀 令和6年5月17日 間質性肺炎のため、68歳にて永眠致しました。尚、葬送の儀につきましては、ご遺族の意向により親族のみにて執り行われました。ここに生前中の御厚誼を深謝し、謹んでお知らせ申し上げます。