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松村沙友理 (Sayuri Matsumura)

松村沙友理 (Sayuri Matsumura)
First Name: 沙友理 Sayuri
Last Name: 松村 Matsumura
Main Country: Japan Japan
Main Language: Japanese
Birthdate: 1992-08-27
Age : 31
Sayuri Matsumura is a Japanese actress, voice actress, model and former member of Nogizaka46. Her Twitter account is: @sayuringo_staff. She sang the third version of the Pocket Monsters Japanese Opening Theme 1・2・3.

Comments from Saryuri Matsumura about Plusle Role
On March 19th, 2021, the official Japanese anime Twitter account posted that the Karaage Sisters (from #Nokizaka46) would appear as guest voice actors in PM2019 61 which aired on March 9th, 2021! Plusle was voiced by Saryuri Matsumura and Minun was voiced by Erika Ikuta. They also posted comments from the two of them talking about their roles.

I was the voice of Plusle this time! I was nervous about whether or not I could express the cuteness of Plusle, the Cheering Pokémon, but I did my best together with Iku-chan's Minun, and I'm glad I could convey Plusle's honest and cheerful side. I really enjoyed experiencing the spirited post-recording process firsthand. It was a lot of fun!
Please support the Karaage sisters as Plusle and Minun!
Sayuri Matsumura as Plusle


今回プラスルの声を担当させて頂きました! おうえんポケモンのプラスルの可愛らしさを表現できるかドキドキでしたが、いくちゃんのマイナンとー緒に頑張りましたプラスルの素直で明るいところを伝えられたら嬉しいです! スピ一ド感あるアフレコの現場を肌で感じられてとても楽しかったです! からあげ姉妹のプラスルとマィナンと一緒にぜひ応援してくだ
プラスル役 松村沙友理
Characters Portrayed
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Multa's Plusle
  • Japan マルプリのプラスル
  • Japan Mulpli no Plusle
  • Japan Mulpli's Plusle
Pokémon Portrayed
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Plusle
  • Japan プラスル
  • Japan Plusle