Home / Characters / Olesia/サナエ/Sanae
Character Names
  • English / United States: Olesia
  • Japanese / Japan: サナエ
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: Sanae
  • Japanese (TL) / Japan: Sanae
Voice Actors
Olesia runs a nursery school for Wooper where she also takes care of her own Wooper. Wooper have always been extremely popular in the area that Olesia runs her Daycare and since the water in the pond outside her daycare is very well suited for raising Wooper, she turned the area into a nursery school in order to look after them. Olesia is very good at playing the tambourine and the Wooper instantly follow her instructions when she plays it. She is also good at training Wooper as Brock wanted to know what the secret being Olesia's Wooper's strength was but Olesia insisted there really wasn't any secret at all.

While on-route to Kogane City, Olesia's Wooper jumped up on Brock's neck and the two of then slid down the side of a cliff to Olesia's nursery school for Wooper. She apologized for her Wooper's behavior and explained that it's sometimes just unable to control itself. Olesia mother got injured when she fell down the stairs and Brock and his friends volunteered to look after her nursery school and the Wooper while she attended to her mother.

Olesia has a notebook where she has written down how to take care of her Wooper. There were three main points in that notebook that Brock and his friends followed in the Japanese original version to make sure they were attending to the Wooper properly and they are:

Point NumberTranslationJapanese
1"When attending to Upah, approach them with love and care."「ウパーに接するときは愛情をもって よしとする」
2"When you want them to listen to what you say, play the tambourine."「言うことを聞かせるときはタンバリンを使うこと」
3"Do not fight my Upah."「私のウパーと 戦うなかれ」。

After caring for her mother, Olesia returned and her Wooper was able to take care of Team Rocket. She thanked Brock and his friends for helping out and told them to drop by the next time they were in the neighborhood.
Owned Pokémon
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Olesia's Wooper
  • Japan サナエのウパー
  • Japan Sanae no Upah
  • Japan Sanae's Upah