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小林優子 (Yuko Kobayashi)

小林優子 (Yuko Kobayashi)
First Name: 優子 Yuko
Last Name: 小林 Kobayashi
Main Country: Japan Japan
Main Language: Japanese
Birthdate: 1961-02-06
Age : 64
Yuko Kobayashi is a Japanese voice actress and narrator that is affiliated with 81 Produce voice talent agency. She married voice actor Mitsuaki Hoshino.

PM2019 68 Press Release

After 12 years since her last appearance in the Pocket Monsters anime as Shigeru, she returned to voice Satoshi's rival in the episode Rivals for Go?! The Road to Mew!! In an interview tweet by the official Japanese anime PR, she said she was very nervous when she entered the studio to play Shigeru for the first time in a long time but when she heard Satoshi's voice, voice by Rica, which has always remained unchanged, she naturally came back to Shigeru.

It's been about 12 years since Shigeru last appearance, so I was as excited as everyone else. I was very nervous when I entered the studio to play Shigeru for the first time in a long time, but...
When I heard Satoshi's voice, which has always remained unchanged, I naturally came back to Shigeru.
He has always had a bit of a superiority complex as a character, but I think this time he will bring a different kind of charm that everyone will notice. I'll be happy if you'll pay attention to his passionate attitude toward his goals. Yuko Kobayashi as Shigeru


約12年ぶりのシゲルの登場ということで、私も皆さんと同じく ワクワクして待っていました! 久しぶりにシゲルを演じるにあたってスタジオに入った瞬間は とても緊張をしていたのですが… ずっと変わらずにいてくれるサトシの声を聞いたら、自然とシゲ ルに戻ってこられました。 いつもどこか斜に構えているシゲルですが、今回はまた違った 彼の魅力を皆さんにお届けできるのではないかなと思います。 真っ直ぐ自分の目標に向けて情熱を傾ける彼の姿に是非注目し て頂けたら嬉しいです。 シゲル役小林優子
Characters Portrayed
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Gary Oak
  • Japan オーキド・シゲル
  • Japan Shigeru Ōkido
  • Japan Shigeru Okido
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Olesia
  • Japan サナエ
  • Japan Sanae
  • Japan Sanae
Role Media Title
Voice Actor
Gary Oak
SL 1
Voice Actor
Gary Oak
SL 18
Voice Actor
Gary Oak
SL 46
Voice Actor
Gary Oak
SL 58
Voice Actor
Gary Oak
SL 63
Voice Actor
Gary Oak
SL 67
Voice Actor
Gary Oak
SL 76
Voice Actor
Gary Oak
SL 77
Voice Actor
Gary Oak
SL 78
Voice Actor
Gary Oak
SL 79
Voice Actor
GS 32
Voice Actor
Gary Oak
PM2019 68
Voice Actor
Gary Oak
PM2019 71
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Gary Oak
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Gary Oak
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Voice Actor
Gary Oak
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Gary Oak
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Gary Oak
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