Gyro Ball
Gyro Ball
First Seen:
XYZ 27
It made it almost impossible for opponents to hit it.
XYZ 27
It made it almost impossible for opponents to hit it. |
First Seen:
XYZ 27
An extremely powerful attack that has increased power if used against an opponent that has already attacked.
XYZ 27
An extremely powerful attack that has increased power if used against an opponent that has already attacked. |
Ice Fang
Ice Fang
First Seen:
XYZ 27
Combo'd with Gyro Ball to KO Satoshi Gekkouga.
XYZ 27
Combo'd with Gyro Ball to KO Satoshi Gekkouga. |
Stone Edge
Stone Edge
First Seen:
XYZ 27
Ash's Hawlucha avoided all of the crop outs initially.
XYZ 27
Ash's Hawlucha avoided all of the crop outs initially. |