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Cover Image Portuguese (Brazil): PM2023 29 Orla e a fabricante de Poké Bolas
Cover Image Hebrew: PM2023 29 אוריה ויוצרת הפוכדורים
Cover Image Czech: PM2023 29 Orla a výrobkyně Pokebalů
Cover Image Norwegian: PM2023 29 Orla og Pokéball-smeden
Cover Image Danish: PM2023 29 Orla og Poké Ball-smeden
Cover Image Korean: PM2023 29 올라와 몬스터볼 장인
Cover Image Portuguese: PM2023 29 Orla e a Fabricante de Pokébolas!
Cover Image Russian: PM2023 29 Орла и кузнец Поке-Боллов
Cover Image Indonesian: PM2023 29 Orla dan Artisan Bola Pokémon
Cover Image English: PM2023 30 Slip and Crash! A Mystery Pokémon?!
Cover Image Japanese: PM2023 30 ズル~っとガチャンで謎ポケモン!?
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): PM2023 30 Zuruuu tto gachan de nazo Pokémon!?
Cover Image Japanese (TL): PM2023 30 The Mystery Pokémon Behind the Slipping and Clanging?!
Cover Image German: PM2023 30 Ausrutschen und Klirren, ein geheimnisvolles Pokémon?!
Cover Image French: PM2023 30 Glissade et crash ! Un Pokémon mystérieux !
Cover Image Spanish: PM2023 30 ¡Un Resbalón! ¡¿Y Un Pokémon Misterioso?!
Cover Image Swedish: PM2023 30 Halka och krascha! En mystisk pokémon?!
Cover Image Italian: PM2023 30 Cadute, scivoloni e un Pokémon enigmatico
Cover Image Spanish (LA): PM2023 30 ¡Un resbalón! ¿Y un misterioso Pokémon?
Cover Image Finnish: PM2023 30 Liukastuminen ja törmäys! Mysteeri-Pokémon?
Cover Image Polish: PM2023 30 Śliska sprawa tajemniczego Pokémona!
Cover Image Dutch: PM2023 30 Uitglijden, vallen en een geheimzinnige Pokémon
Cover Image Portuguese (Brazil): PM2023 30 Escorrega e cai! Um Pokémon misterioso?!
Cover Image Hebrew: PM2023 30 החלקה והתרסקות! פוקמון מסתורי?!
Cover Image Czech: PM2023 30 Klouz a prásk! Tajemný Pokemon?!