The announcer introduced the show by saying: "And now, we'll get you the lastest Pokémon information right here on Pokémon Smash! Here we go!". The crew walked in and went over to see Golgo, Mijumaru and Zoroark. Golgo was holding a map of
Saitama Prefecture (埼玉県) with an arrow pointing to Golgo's home town (ゴルゴ所長のふるさと). Robert then says since they are talking about Saitama, Robert then associate the area with
Maiko but Golgo quickly corrects them by saying that
Kyoto Prefecture. The rest of the crew then starts off by saying 'Speaking of Saitama Prefecture...'(埼玉県といえば...?) for their questions. Yamamoto then says the area is know for Deer (シカ) but quickly tells him that he's thinking of
Nara Prefecture(奈良県). Red then says he thinks the area is know for a large body of water (に本ー大きな湖) which Golgo corrects as
Shiga Prefecture(滋賀県). Baba then says its known for the Great Barrier Reef(グレートバリアリーフ) but Golgo says that Australia. Golgo ends up calling them all idiots and get's Shoko-tan to introduce the Pokémon Library episode.

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Shoko-tan introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library and he also announces this weeks theme, Observing strengths and weaknesses can be mutually beneficial!(おたがいの長所と短所をみとめ会おう!). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was
Nyula and Barrierd! Whose Restaurant!? (ニューラとバリヤード! どっちのレストラン!?) from the
Advanced Generation series.
A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.
After the Pokémon Library episode, the International division girls showed up and Professor Red announced that TIM and the girls had gone to Golgo's home town for a visit. Golgo then held the 'Quiz! Golgo Tours' (クイズ! ゴルゴツアーズ) in studio. Players that got the question right would get an
Oyaki (おやき) ball. Golgo then introduced a VTR segment segment.

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The clip started with TIM and the girls at Chichibu Railroad Omaeda Station in Shiga Prefecture (埼玉県 秩父鉄道 小前田駅). They then began the tour of Golgo's hometown. Golgo then showed the girls a picture of him as a boy when he was in kindergarten (幼稚園のころ) with his sister (妹). He then showed another picture of him in grade school (小学生). While driving through they noticed there were Rice fields in the town (近所の田んぼ).

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Golgo then shows the girls how to fish for crayfish. Maria, then Hana and finally Misaki were able to catch them. They then visit a grocery store where they met Golgo's mother and brother.
Quiz! Golgo Tours (クイズ! ゴルゴツアーズ)
1 |
What did the Chichibu Mountains give to Chief Golgo?(ちちぶの山がゴルゴ所長におたえてくれたものは何でしょう?) |
It gave him the gag "Life" (ギャグ「命」を与えてくれた) Spoiler: Click to show! |
2 |
What is the misfortune that happened suddenly to Golgo as a boy? (ゴルゴ少年に突然ふりかかった災難とは何でしょう?) |
A stone that his friend threw hit him in the head (友達が投げた石がゴルゴ少年の頭を直撃した) Spoiler: Click to show! |
3 |
(Misaki Asking Question) What shocked us so much we got scared and we couldn't remain standing? (私たちが腰がぬけるほどびっくりしたことは何でしょう?) |
Gol-Mom and Gol-(Big) Bro were standing there with a small mustache (ゴル母とゴル只がちょびヒゲをつけて立っていた) Spoiler: Click to show! |
In the viewer battle, Shoko-tan faced off against Yamoto-kun. Shoko-tan proved to be a strong opponent for Yamato-kun in this battle and ended up winning.
A clip from the 2011 Pokémon World Championships from San Diego, California with many fans competing in the TCG and Video Game world championships was shown. One highlight for many fans was the special song presentation by MTM with Battle Woman M. The members of the band were revealed at the 2011 World Championships as part of the Opening Ceremony to the surprise of many. Battle Woman M is
Misaki Momose from Pokémon Smash, GAME FREAK director Junichi Masuda plays the keyboards, Shinji Miyazaki is the bassist and finally Creatures president Hirokazu Tanaka is the drummer.
The song
Battle Gene M (バトル遺伝子M) and the group MTM (mystery thunder mask) were first presented on
Pokémon Smash 43 but the reveal was clouded in mystery and the band members were all wearing complete face masks so it was hard to identify them. It was revealed a few weeks ago that the songs lyrics are by Akihito Toda, the original Music is by Junichi Masuda and the Arrangement was done by Shinji Miyazaki but the fact that they were also band members was not revealed till the Opening Ceremony performance. The clip ended with 'To be Continued...'

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Can You Say the Pokémon? BW (ポケモン言えるかな? BW)
As a reminder for the CD of
Can You Say the Pokémon? BW (ポケモン言えるかな? BW) which was released on June 22nd, 2011, kids that had submitted their videos singing the song were shown as the ending.