The announcer introduced the show by saying: "Hello out there! And this time again we going to feature Mewtwo and more! It's time for Pokémon Smash!". Golgo started off the episode with a karate chop like greeting that all the other cast members copied. Shoko-tan was extremely excited about a big announcement but Golgo told her to calm down and it would be announced later.
Shoko-tan introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library and he also announces this weeks theme, Can Pokémon live Equally(どんなポケモンも平等に生きている). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was
Mewtwo! I Am Here Part 1 (ミュウツー!我ハココニ在リ) from the
TV Specials & OVA series.
A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.
After the Pokémon Library episode, the International division girls showed up and took their seats. The two groups announced that they did a Pokémon Card Battle based on the new expansion set Psycho Drive and Hail Blizard (「サイコドライブ」「ヘイルブリザード」) which features a Kyurem EX card and a Mewtwo EX card which was relased in Japan on September 16th, 2011.
Teacher Takashima was back once again to help out with the battle wearung a referee shirt. Once again they kept the same teams, Hana Team (Hana, Yamamoto and Akiyama) and Maria Team (Maria, Misaki and Baba). Hana's team got the Mewtwo EX card while Maria's team got the Kyurem EX card.

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Maria started by picking up a Fire energy card and applying it to Hail Blizzard Gardie (009/052 BW3) which was being held in battle by Baba. Maria then applied the Experience share card to Kyurem which was being held my Misaki on the bench. The Experience share card allows the player to choose a Basic Energy card attached to the Pokémon that got Knocked Outand put it on the Pokémon the card is attached to. Maria then instructed Baba Gardie to use Stoke (もえあがる) which allows the player to find an energy card in the deck and attach it if a coin toss is heads. Maria flipped heads and added the energy. On Hana's turn, she picked up Gardevoir (028/052 BW3). She then used the trainer card Dent (Hail Blizzard 050/052 BW3) that allows the player to search their deck for up to 3 basic Energy cards, show them to the opponent and then put them into their hand. The card also requires the player to shuffle the deck afterward. She picked 3 Psychic energy and attached one to Mewtwo.
Maria picked up another Kyurem, and applied a water energy to Kyurem. Hana then picked up a double energy card and gave it to Yamamoto Mewtwo who was in play. She then used X-Ball (エックスボール) which was emulated with a bunch of kids running into the gym and throwing balls at Baba. It dealt 100 damage to Gardie Baba so he was knokced out. A fire energy card was given to Misaki Kyurem though. Hana then applied another Water energy card on Misaki Kyruem and used Frozen Wing (いてつくつばさ) which was emulated with a bunch of kids hitting Yamamoto Mewtwo with frozen wet towels. It dealt 60 damage and removed two attached energy.
Hana also applied an Experience share card on Akiyama Mewtwo, evolved a Ralts to Kirlia and gave Yamamoto Mewtwo a Psychic energy. She then used X-Ball (エックスボール) again. This time Misaki got hit and it dealt 100 damage. Hana then said in English: "My turn is done."

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Maria picked up another Experience share card and gave a water energy card to Kyurem Misaki and used Hail Blizzard (ヘイルブリザード) which dealt 120 damage to Yamamoto. The attack was emulated by getting Yamamoto do dunk his head into a bowl of ice. This knocked out Yamamoto Mewtwo. Hana picked up a Kirlia and applied a Psychic Energy card to Akiyama Mewtwo. She evolved Kirlia into Gardevoir. She then used Psycho Drive (サイコドライブ) which was emulated by putting Misaki on a train cart and pulling her through a bunch of boxes. The attack did 120 damage. Hana team ended up winning.
Shoko-tan then said she would like to get a Mewtwo card. Yamamoto then gave a booster pack to Golgo, Red and Shoko-tan. Shoko-tan opened her pack and she got the Mewtwo card she wanted. In the viewer battle, Red battled against Tatsuki and ended up losing. Red traded his Abagoura (アバゴーラ) for Tatsuki's Baivanilla (バイバニラ).
Junichi Masuda Appearance
Junichi Masuda appeared on
Pokémon Smash 50 to announce further details about the Mewtwo event revealed by Shoko-tan on
Pokémon Smash 49. The event distribution will take place from
September 26th, 2011 until October 31st, 2011 on the Japanese Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection for players of the Japanese versions of Pocket Monsters Black & White. This Mewtwo has PokéSma! (ポケスマ!) as its OT, has the Pressure Ability, has a Premier Ribbon, comes in a Premier Ball, is holding the King's Rock item and knows the moves
Shadow Ball and
Aura Sphere. Mewtwo has a fourth move but it won't be announced until
episode #51 of Pokémon Smash, which airs September 25th, 2011.
PokéPark 2 Beyond the World (ポケパーク2 ビヨンド・ザ・ワールド)
PokéPark 2 Beyond the World (ポケパーク2 ビヨンド・ザ・ワールド) was revealed in the Marketing Department segment and its due to be released during the Winter of 2011 for the Nintendo Wii. The game will feature 5th generation Pokémon and Tsutarja, Mijumaru and Pokabu will now be able to be controlled in addition to Pikachu. Muma's Photo stand has returned which allows players to copy game screenshots to an SD card to be transferred to another device. There are now two distinct areas in the game: PokéPark (ポケパーク) and Another World (もうひとつの世界).

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