The announcer introduced the show by saying: "Return of Yadon Akiyama right here on Pokémon Smash! Alright let's jump right in!" The episode started with Akiyama hanging up his Victini costume on a clothes line to dry. The entire Smash crew showed up and noticed Akiyama. They all laughed that he was actually doing his laundry.
Professor Red introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library and he also announces this weeks theme, You can succeed if you put your mind to it! (信じ会う心があれば必ず成功する!). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was
Plusle and Minun! The Lighthouse in the Mountains!! (プラスルとマイナン! 山の灯台!!) from the
Advanced Generation series.
A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.

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After the Pokémon Library episode, Victini Yamamoto showed up. Akiyama wasn't too impressed with the stunt. The smash cast decided to play Jan-ken-pon (じゃんけんぽん) and Maria was up against Akiyama when she hit Victini Yamamoto on the head instead and the hammer pulled off the V from his head. Maria won again and this time when Akiyama got hit on the head with the hammer, Yamamoto Victini got hit on the head with a large metal bucket. Finally Akiyama had enough of Yamamoto Victini and told him to leave but not before Shoko-tan practically lost it laughing.

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As part of this weeks VTR, Group Member Akiyama Sets out to Startle a Female Yadon Akiyama Fan while also visiting the House of a Boy who Loves to Draw. Plenty of fans had written in and Robert was sorting through all the mail they had received. They phoned some of the kids that had mailed in to thank them. They then when off to visit 11 year old Mayu Nakata (中田真由) to surprise her. Mayu's sister Ema Sagara (相良恵麻) traveled with Robert to her house. The two girls talked and Mayu said she really liked it when Handsome Yamamoto did his 'Hand-some shakin!'. The three of them sneak in and say "PokéMorning!" which gets Mayu to scream in surprise to see them. Baba then challenges her to a battle and they decide to have a 4on4 double battle.
Double Battle - Yamamoto and Baba vs Mayu and Ema
Baba sent out
Symboler while Yamamoto sent out
Roubushin. Mayu sent out
Chandela while Ema sent out
Zuruzukin. Yamamoto's
Roubushin used
Mach Punch on Ema's
Zuruzukin while Baba's
Symboler finished it off with
Air Slash. Ema then sent out a
Daikenki to replace her
Zuruzukin but it got knocked out as well. Mayu fought back though as her
Chandela used
Shadow Ball to knock out Baba's
Symboler. Yamamoto's
Roubushin took too much burn damage and was also knocked out. Baba sent out
Zebraika while Yamamoto sent out
Warrgle to replace their fallen Pokémon. Baba and Yamamoto had a 2 on 1 advantage for the rest of the battle and were easily able to defeat Mayu's
Chandela and then her
Sazandora to give them the battle victory. Akiyama then gave Mayu a Takara Tomy Pocket Monsters Best Wishes Talking Victini Plushie that has speech recognition and voice response.

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Robert was next off to visit 12 year old Marina Yamazaki(山崎真梨奈) who is a big fan of Yadon Akiyama. Akiyama decided to give Marina a few hints by giving the Yadon tail to a girl on the sidewalk and another girl the Yadon eyes to see if she would notice them but she ended up just walking by them. Robert then went to the Tokyo Pokémon Center where he prepared some Yadon Akiyama goods including a model, t-shirt, a large pillow featuring Yadon Akiyama in his bikini that were put out on display. Marina noticed them and was smiling when she saw the goods. Pokémon Center staff then lead Marina and her family to a side room where Yadon Akiyama was waiting for her.

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Once again Robert was off to visit another viewer. This time they went to visit with 8 year old Ryotaro Honda (本田良太郎) who likes to draw. Robert showed up dressed as
Dageki's with masks that were drawn. Ryotaro then showed some more of the drawings he'd done. Robert then presented Ryotaro with a 2011 Calendar.

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