The announcer introduced the show by saying: "Adding a little bit of delicious flavor to your life. This is Pokémon Smash! Let's jump right in!" Golgo walked in to see everyone reading books but Golgo heard a noise coming from Akiyama and went to investigate. It turned out that Akiyama wasn't actually reading and studying but was infact eating ramen. Baba was obviously mad at him.

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Shoko-tan introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library and she also announced this weeks theme, See with your heart! (こころの目で感じょう!). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was
The Miracle of Doble!! Shine in the Morning Light! (ドーブルのきせき!! あさひのなかでかがやいて!) from the
original series.
A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.
After the Pokémon Library episode, the International Division girls showed up with the new
Pokémon Best Wishes Zukan (ポケモン図鑑BW).
One of the games on the Zukan is called "Getting Closer"(せっきんガーム) where the player spins the Zukan wheel around to get the Pokémon to dig down. Professor Red decided to introduce his new invention the RED065 Pokémon Best Wishes Zukan PokéSma Version (ポケモン図鑑BW ポケスマバージョン). Akiyama Victini showed up in the machine.

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Maria and Hana moved their hands on the scroll wheel. If Victini Akiyama showed up they couldn't use the scroll wheel to inprove their performance. He would show up randomly to try to trick them. He caught them doing it can reset the performance goal tracker back to the bottom. Finally Hana and Maria reached the goal.
The International division and Adventure division then went off in search for Ingredients for Chicken Stew and Mapo Stew for the 'Food-in-a-Poké Gourmet'. Keisuke Kikuta (菊田圭介) met the two groups and started to show them some of the
Pokémon food products that Marumiya makes. They all tried out a bowl and enjoyed it. Yamamoto then asked if they could make a PokéSma Version of the stew. The two groups had a difference in opinion as to what the stew should contain.

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They then went to
Nissin World Delicatessen which is a supermarket where they could get the ingredients they needed to make the stew. Child Cooking Prodogy (天才こども料理人)
Kogoma(こごま) showed up and where to help Robert pick out ingredients. They then went back and started making up recipies. Robert had Kogoma helping them while the International girls were on their own.

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The groups then went back to Marumiya where Keisuke Kikuta (菊田圭介), Tomoko Uno (宇野智子) and Eri Kenmochi (剱持恵裡) were there to judge their dishes. First up was the International division who used Chicken and egg on rice (親子丼) + wakame (species of edible brown seaweed)(わかめスープ) to make a soup. The Wakame had little edible Pikachu characters in it as it was one of Marumiya's products already. The judges thought it was actually quite good.

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Next up was the Adventure Division who made a disk of Chicken and egg on rice (親子丼) + Toasted Grated Cheese(粉チーズあぶり). The judges though it was good as well. Tomoko Uno (宇野智子) voted for the Adventure Group, while Keisuke Kikuta (菊田圭介) and Eri Kenmochi (剱持恵裡) voted for the International division to give them the win.
The International division then brought out their next dish, a Bowl of Mabo (Sichuan style bean curd) and Potato Chips(マーボー丼+ポテトチップス). The Adventure division brought their next dish, a Bowl of Mabo + anko (red bean paste) (マーボー丼+あんこ). This time the judges voted opposite to their previous vote and the Adventure Division won.

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The recipies for all four dishes were posted on the
Marumiya website.

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Golgo then introduced this weeks Elite Four battle. Director Shoko-tan vs 10 year old Natsumi Umemura (梅村夏未). Shoko-tan was able two win with 2 of her Pokémon.